Chapter 26

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Before I get started, this chapter is dedicated to Cloe!! Thanks for pestering me to write another chapter (and giving me inspo for this chapter) love u x

"We're writing a book!" Harry spoke ecstatically, looking at me with a wide grin.

My expression was mixed between shock and happiness - this was not what I had in mind when Harry had told me he was coming over to tell me some news.

"When you say we, you mean the guys, right?" I asked, sitting back down on my bed.

"Yeah. Well, I say writing. We've already started, we're nearly finished." He continued, taking his coat off and coming down to sit next to me.

"And you're only just telling me now?" I asked, a little bit annoyed I hadn't been told before now.

"Trust me, Sophie. I wanted to tell you, but Lucy - you remember her? The manager? Anyway, Lucy wouldn't let us tell anyone else before it was nearly finished," he explained, pressing a small kiss to my cheek.

I caved. Of course I caved! How could I not, when he had apologised and had given me a kiss.

"Come here, you!" I said happily, pulling him on top of me and rolling on my side so we were facing each other. "I am so proud of you," I continued, my lips finding his.

"I'm sure I have a bottle of champagne here, or something. If you wanted to celebrate?" I hinted, raising my eyebrow at him suggestively. He laughed and accepted, before propping himself up in the bed.

I was just about to pour the champagne into a glass when my door burst open. Speak of the devil, Lucy was here. Except, her face was full of panic - and she looked as if she had just ran a marathon.

"Harry - I need to have a word with you. Right now. In private." She said, leaning against the door.

I turned to my boyfriend, shooting him a questionable look as if to ask what the hell was going on. It seemed like he was equally confused, before sitting up and coughing awkwardly.

"You can just say it here, Lucy." He replied.

"Does 'it's bath time boys!' mean anything to you?" She said annoyance.

I had absolutely no idea what was going on, but by the look on Harry's face, he had now cottoned on.

"What's going on? What does that mean?" I asked, feeling clueless and a little left out.

"I'll meet you downstairs in ten minutes, Lucy," Harry spoke dismissively, before swivelling round and facing me.

"You have some explaining to do. Right now." I said in annoyance, crossing my arms in a huff.

I could tell that something was wrong, just by the look that currently possessed his face.

"You know I told you that my twitter got hacked like, a couple of days ago?" He started, scratching his head awkwardly and avoiding eye contact.

I nodded. It had been a hassle, but resolved particularly quickly and nothing had appeared to have been leaked. Well, at least I didn't think so.

"So, me and the boys have a groupchat, and you know, boys being boys, sometimes we - er, sometimes we send —"

"Shit, Harry. Please don't tell me you sent pictures of you in the bath to the chat?" I asked, desperately hoping he was going to tell me I was wrong.

He nodded his head. Crap.

"And I'm assuming by your face that they've been leaked, huh?"

He hung his head, dwindling his fingers. I shook my head in disbelief before allowing a laugh to escape my lips. His head shot up and he looked at me questioningly.

"You're not mad?" He asked cautiously, looking like he was about to break out into a smile to laugh with me.

"I'm not mad - why would I be mad? I'm more worried for you, the internet has now seen your bath pictures," I chuckled, leaning over and giving him a quick kiss. "I guess this will teach you to no longer send pictures like that to the groupchat a hacker is most likely to look through," I continued.

"I should, er - probably go downstairs and sort it out with Lucy. She's probably freaking out about it with the book release being so soon." He said, getting out of bed and leaving the room.

Crap, I had almost forgotten about the book announcement what with the whole hacking thing. The bottle of champagne lay at my feet, the two glasses still on the bedside table. I shrugged my shoulders — I didn't have anything to lose.

I poured myself a glass, and went onto twitter only to choke on my sip as, 'it's bath time boys,' was number one trending on twitter.

Hey guys, so I've never really asked you for this kind of help before - bear with. How many chapters of this would you be willing to read before it got boring? Please answer honestly, it's just so I know how much to speed the book up by, because at the moment we are 25 chapters deep and I've barely started, really. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Love you, stay home and stay safe.

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