Ok lots of cute fluff this chapter you're so lucky <333 possibly the cutest chapter I have EVER written!!! (1am check I am delusional someone sort out my sleeping schedule pls) (also if you are reading this late at night and haven't slept - GO TO SLEEP U OWLS!!!!!!!!!)
also, thank you for 68k!
My birthday this year had been a lot more successful than last year. The house hadn't burnt down, and in my books that was pretty damn good. Plus, Harry had booked us a room at one of the most exclusive hotels in London.
It was now the beginning of February, and I was waking up in a plush bed, rose petals scattered on the floor from last night. Yawning softly, I rolled over to face a sleeping Harry. I stayed still, not wanting to nudge him, instead just facing him and smiling. Just the sight of him made my heart burst.
Still not wanting to wake him up, I carefully slid out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I was hungry, but wanted to wait to order room service with Harry. Instead, I brushed my hair, and was just about to start my makeup when Harry walked in the door, looking a bit dishevelled.
"There you are," he yawned, walking towards me, his arms outstretched, clearly motioning for a hug. I complied, walking towards him and burying my head into his chest. "What're you doing?"
"Just about to do my makeup," I mumble, appreciating his warmth.
"But you don't need makeup," he whined, his fingers brushing against my shoulders.
"But I doooo," I grumbled, thoughts of my skin flashing in my mind. Just a little bit of foundation, and I wouldn't have to see it.
"Well, I don't think you do. Because you're beautiful. You know that? I will say it again and again and again," he announced, staring me down.
"Sophie Minter, you are incredibly beautiful and I promise to tell you every day from now on. I love you," he declared, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Now, if you still want to put your makeup on, go ahead. But I thought we could chill in here today, it's raining outside anyway."
Nodding my head, I smiled. "I love you too. I'll join you back in bed in a bit, go ahead an order some room service, I'll have what I had yesterday," I smiled softly, turning back to the mirror. Harry's words hit harder than I had first thought, and so stared at the mirror for a couple of minutes, foundation bottle clutched in my hand.
It wasn't even that big of a deal, just some stupid makeup. Yet, I packed it back in my bag and instead just put some mosturizer on. I tied my hair up and walked back out into the room, where Harry was lying in the bed, his shirt now flung to the side.
He heard my footsteps and grinned. "Ordered us breakfast, it'll be here soon. YouTube or Netflix?"
"Let's watch a bit of YouTube for a change. All we've been doing is watching Netflix since we got here," which had been two days ago. We might as well catch up on the YouTube videos we had missed.
One caught my eye immediately. Simon had uploaded on his main channel, which was a surprise.
"Simon did a video!" Harry observed, clicking on the video. A QnA.
Whilst the video was playing, our breakfast arrived, so we ended up watching them whilst helping ourselves to plates of pancakes.
"That was interesting," I said slowly, thinking about some of the questions Simon had chosen to answer, smirking over at Harry, who had just stuffed a whole pancake into his mouth.
"You're so messy!" I squealed, wiping the syrup that he had gotten all around his lips. He pouted, his hand pointing to his lips, encouraging me to kiss him.
"Nope," I said adamantly, shaking my head. "You're all sticky!" I continued after he cocked his head. But before I knew it, he was moving towards me, and our lips had connected, the sweet taste of syrup fresh on my lips. I let him kiss me, the butterflies erupting in my chest. Guiding his hands down to the dip in my waist, pulling me closer to him.
"Harry, we just -" I whispered, but was silenced by another kiss. I suppose this wasn't half bad.
Hours later, we were still lying in bed, together. It was still pouring it down with rain outside, and there was really no point in even bothering going out.
"I'm sorry we're cooped up in here," he mumbled, his hand squeezing mine. I half smiled against the pillow, squeezing his hand back.
"Just you surprising me with this is enough, being here with you is enough. Don't apologise."
"You're the first person I've ever loved," I heard him say, and I wasn't entirely sure I was meant to hear it until he looked up at me, expectantly.
Thinking about it, he was my first love, too. Sure, I had been in previous relationships in my hometown, but none as serious as my current one.
"You're my first love too. I love you." I shuffled closer, pressing my head against his chest, listening to the rise and fall of his heartbeat. The moment was so peaceful, so relaxing, that I fell back into the blissful slumber that was sleep.
When I woke up again, I heard the annoyed grumbles of Harry from the other side of the room. He had asked before the trip if he could bring his FIFA along, and of course I had said yes. It made him happy, therefore it made me happy. Sitting up slightly meant I now had a full view of the situation, he was recording a video of him opening packs, or something like that. I still wasn't very clued up on FIFA.
I let him be, and resorted to scrolling through my phone, replying to texts and checking emails. It had all been normal until I had caught sight of an email from RecordX. I bit my tongue, waiting to read it before I called Harry over.
Hi, Sophie!
We, here at RecordX absolutely loved the track you sent to us a couple of weeks ago. We want to invite you up to Manchester for a four month long partnership, writing and recording songs! Please get back to us so we can sort out the legal arrangements as quickly as possible!
Many thanks,
I stared at my phone. No way was this happening. It was crazy enough they wanted to hear one of my songs, but now they were inviting me up to their studios to write and record more songs? This was incredible! This meant that my song's could perhaps go more mainstream, that I could make a proper name for myself.
How the hell was I going to tell Harry that I would be moving across the country for four months to focus on my career? What would that even mean for us?
I decided against telling him any of this for now. I was going to savour the time I had left of my birthday getaway - which realistically was only tonight, we were going home tomorrow.
I would tell him tomorrow, and we would talk about it, and everything would work out.
Well, that was the dream, anyway.
// I am SOOOO tired omg I'm sorry if this chapter is worse than usual

miniminter's sister | wroetoshaw
Fanfiction"Just come and kiss me, Harry." I said quietly. I didn't think he heard me at first, but he came closer towards me, and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back, and only pulled away when I heard Freya telling Josh he owed her another ten po...