now onto something sad...enjoy the last chapter :(( but don't be sad forever bc the sequel is soon arriving!'s here. Enjoy this chapter :)
A month had passed since myself and Harry had moved up to Manchester. We had packed up all of our stuff, and had left without telling anyone. Since moving, of course, I had told Freya where I was after she had left several panicked voicemails on my phone. Talia had also checked in several times, making sure I was okay, but there had been no word from Simon. Perhaps he felt too ashamed to say anything, or perhaps he just didn't care. Both options seemed reasonable to me. Talia was trying her best, she had made me aware of this.
Despite this, I had pushed on through, and I had embraced my feelings, putting all of my sadness and frustration into song writing. Whilst nothing concrete had come out of it yet, I was certain that something big was coming along.
I had stopped posting on YouTube, and so had Harry. I had also deleted twitter from my phone, only keeping Instagram, and even then I rarely went onto it, finding that whenever I did, it ended with my mood being dragged down. My absence had been noticeable, but nowhere near as noticeable as Harry's absence. He had done the same as me, disappeared from social media. He decided against making another track against JJ, not wanting to rock the boat more than it had already been rocked. As far as I was aware, he was still in the Sidemen group chats, but wasn't talking in them. I didn't find this out from him, of course, Freya had told me through Josh.
Harry didn't speak of it, and I didn't want to push him too hard. He had already come up to Manchester with me, I didn't want to cause any problems between us.
The Sidemen were at their weakest, JJ still not talking to any of them, and now Harry had come with me to Manchester. No one knew what was going to happen to them, and quite frankly right now I didn't care.
They had constructed this drama, and it was their business to sort it out. I was distancing myself from the situation, and I was better for it. My mental health was improving by the day, and by now I had gone a whole week and a half without an anxiety attack. I was doing well.
"Hey, Soph, you want a coffee?" Harry called out from the kitchen. I swiftly replied that I would, stretching my arms out and meeting him in the kitchen.
"I was going to bring it to you," He smiled warmly, passing me the coffee with the addition of a quick kiss on the forehead.
"Always the gentleman," I teased, sipping the coffee slowly. "What do you feel like doing today? Studio day isn't until Monday."
"I'm fine with whatever, although it always seems to be raining in Manchester, so maybe it's better we stay inside," He suggested, and I looked out of the windows, grimacing when I saw grey clouds and rain spitting down.
"It does always seem to be raining, huh?" I grinned, turning back to Harry who had started frying some bacon.
"Oh so you're cooking me breakfast, now? Someone's trying very hard!"
"Or maybe I'm just being a very good boyfriend like usual," He bigged himself up, and I had to agree. He was an incredible boyfriend, one that made me feel like the happiest person in the world. One that cared for me, that prioritised me no matter what. One that would always make sure I'm okay, always reassure me. Sometimes I wondered how I had stumbled across someone as great as him.
And then there were the days where I felt like I didn't deserve him at all. But we worked through those days together, where he would repeatedly tell me I deserved everything good. I wondered if it annoyed him, or if he was just saying those things and didn't mean it. But he reassured me about those doubts, too. He literally was perfect in every single way. Even his flaws were perfect to me.

miniminter's sister | wroetoshaw
Fanfiction"Just come and kiss me, Harry." I said quietly. I didn't think he heard me at first, but he came closer towards me, and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back, and only pulled away when I heard Freya telling Josh he owed her another ten po...