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I was told that I should start packing tonight and that I would be moving in with them tomorrow. I thanked them for the position and Jungkook led me out of the company building shielding the screaming paparazzi. We drove back to my house and walked to my apartment. I opened the door and he started looking around right away. It wasn't weird to be around him. I just never thought I would see the sweet little boy who lived down the street from me again. It was weird in that sense. I watched him move around and look at the painting and pictures I had hanging on the various walls. He admired the decor I had and looked around through my bookshelf's and of course my fridge. I still just stared at him confused on what he was doing.
"This apartment is so you it's funny." He says as he looks me in the eyes with a bunny smile. I sigh and smile at him. I lay my keys on the counter and kick my shoes off. I sat down on the couch and grabbed the speaker on my coffee table. I connected my phone to it and started to play relaxing music. I walked up the stairs to the loft part of my apartment. I plugged my phone in and placed it on the white nightstand next to my king sized bed. I saw Jungkook holding folded boxes in the corner of my eye. I turn my head over my shoulder look at the boy with his goofy smile plastered on his face.
"Let's pack up your stuff Y/n baby."

It took us about four hours to completely pack up my stuff. I wasn't able to pack furniture and that would be taken tomorrow and moved in a moving truck. Me and Jungkook laid on my bed each scrolling through our phones watching the Netflix show I had put on. After putting down my phone I got really into the episode that was playing. The girl had to leave or the boys mother would start messing up her friends parents lives. I felt the tears fall down from my eyes as she told the boy she never ever loved him and she used him for his name. Even though it was all false and the boy knew it to. He tried so hard to make her stay but she left leaving him alone in the rain. I felt Jungkooks hand slide into mine. His other hand reached over abd started wiping my face.
"You know I don't like when you cry."
I smile at his comment and snuggle closer to him. However in this moment it was different. When were kids we snuggled as best friends who were cold and tired. At this moment we were now adult snuggling each other for comfort and love. I felt him run his fingers through my hair as I felt my eyelids getting heavy. I was snuggled into the crook of his neck breathing in his cologne. I don't know how to describe the smell but he hasn't changed since we were ten. It was the same feeling and smell I would sleep with as a child. It reminded me of my old cozy home in the busan city that we lived in for my younger childhood years. It reminded me of all the memories I had with the boy next to me.
"I missed this. I really missed you." I say looking up at the boy with a small smile on my lips.
"I missed you to. Way more then you'll ever know. I would sit in bed every night for a really long time and think about you. I still do. Every night before bed I sit there and wonder are you thinking about me to. I know it sounds silly but I really feel attached to you. I feel like I need you to feel happy. I don't understand it and I don't think I ever will but now that I have you back. Damn I'll never ever let you slip from me like you did all those years ago." He wispers as he lays his forehead against my own. I feel the heat of his face on mine. It was almost comforting to know that he felt this way. I missed my best friend and I didn't ever want to leave him in the first place. I was glad to know he wasn't mad or angry at me but instead happy that I was here now. I was most thankful that he would think every night about me hoping I was well. That really touched my heart. I kiss his cheek as I lay my head on his chest.
"Good night Jungkook sleep well."

I woke up with a pair of arms wrapping me around another body. I for a minute forgot I was with Jungkook. I smile as I slide myself from his grasp and walk down the stairs. I sat on my couch and ordered postmates to my house for the last time ever. In about twenty minutes I heard a knock on my door. I took the food and iced coffee I preferred for me and Jungkook and paid the man who brought it. He thanked me for the money as I closed the door. I sat the food on the counter and rummaged through the bag for my breakfest. After finding my meal I grabbed the iced coffee from the cup carrier and sat myself in the living room. I had a large bag window to look out over the city. I would sit there in the morning with a couple pillows and a blanket and eat my breakfast an sip my coffee or tea. I watched the cars drive by and people walk around. My mind wonders what the people are saying and I enjoy making up stories about them and planning out their whole lives. It's something I've done since I was little. I got out my notepad and started scribbling down notes for my class. I wanted to work on a new demo as well. I didn't understand why producer bang enjoyed the song I wrote so much. Maybe it was because namjoon expressed such passion in it. Whatever it was, I was grateful for the opportunity to work for an amazing idol group. Maybe my parents would feel the same. I heard jungkooks footsteps coming down the stairs. The poor boy was still in his clothes from yesterday. I smile as he came over and sat on the other side of the window.
"The moving truck is coming soon to take your things to the house and storage." He sighs rubbing his eyes still a little bit tired.
"Thanks for spending the night even though you didn't need to."
"I thought it would be nice to have a sleepover with my best friend." He smiles grabbing my coffee from my hands and taking a sip.
"STOP NOT THE COFFEE." I say snatching it away from him. I point to the counter where the breakfest I bought him was sitting waiting for him to eat it. I definitly could get usd to him in the morning snatching my coffee away.

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