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It was now getting later in the day and the boys were all slowly starting to wake up.
"Y/n come hereee!!" I hear from the living room and run in there somewhat quickly.
"What do you fuckers want?" I asked and they all looked a little offended.
"Damn who pissed in your Cheerios?" Asks hobi and I laugh sitting down with jungkook.
"We wanted to go get dinner tonight and we were wondering if you wanna come with?" Says jimin and I nod.
" where we dropping boys?" I ask and they explained we were going for barbecue. I went back in my room and got dressed in nicer clothes. I wanted to wear some of my nicer clothes that are form fitting now so that I can bum it later on. I finished getting dressed and did a little bit of makeup. I grabbed my bag and ran out to jump on Yoongi a back.
"Onward kitten!" I scream and he just shoved me off playfully. I laugh as jungkook scoops me up in his embrace.
"Hey don't be jumping on other boys like that." He says with a pout. I feel him then lean into my ear.
"Don't be a bad girl or I'll have to punish you." I gulp a little bit and smile turning to face him.
"Shut up."
We walked out the house and started on are way to the restaurant. We wanted to walk since it wasn't to far and the weather was getting warm once again. I held jungkooks hand and skipped around as we walked. My head was turning looking at lots of things constantly admiring the lights.
"I love the lights in the city." I say softly and jungkook smiles.
"Me to love."
We arrive at the restaurant and got seated in a large table near the back. The boys all order alchogol and I just got water. I can't drink anymore which is sad but it's ok. The boys however all were confused on why I didn't get anything seeing as I usually get at least a glass of wine for dinner.
"Yah I think Y/n is sick." Says Yoongi and I smile.
"I don't want to drink right now. I'm tired."
"I don't believe you." He says and I shake my head.
"Leave me alone Yoongi?" I say kind of annoyed. He then leaves the argument at that. I was pretty silent throughout the dinner. It was late and I was very tired from the walk here. I was defintily running on low energy because of how sick I would get in the morning. I would use all of my energy running around and throwing up. I then have a burst of energy for about two hours after I eat lunch that day. The rest of the time I'm either sick or tired. I didn't like the morning sickness I was having at all. I sighed and leaned into jungkooks arm. He then moves me and places his arm around me. I snuggled into his neck gripping his waist.
"Are you ok baby?" He asks and I nod. I go and look at all the food and then decide I wanted a little. I ate some meat and rice then I turned back to lean into jungkook again. He didn't say anything and just held me while he ate his food and enjoyed his talk with his older brothers. I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep constantly and I was whole by jungkook motioning for me to get up. I grabbed his arm and cling onto him while we walked home. I noticed he was annoyed but I didn't care. We eventually reached the house again and I ran inside. I immediately started throwing up. I guess the baby doesn't like steak. I pulled my hair out of the way when I then felt someone behind me grab my hair for me. I felt a hand rubbing my back.
"It's ok Y/n just breath." Says Yoongi and I eventually stopped after a couple minutes. It turns out that he was the only one who came upstairs and the others were downstairs watching a movie. They all assumed I was going to bed.
"Thank you Yoongi." I say and he nods.
"I thought you said you were getting better Y/n? Also why have you been so off since we got back? I'm concerned on why your all over jungkook almost snuggling him every second you get." He says. I bite my lip a little avoid his eyes.
"I uh was never sick Yoongi." I say and he tilts his head confused.
"Then oh my god Y/n your lying to me." He says and his face turns completely shocked but serious. I nod and a tear falls from my eye.
"I know I'm the worst. I'm only eighteen and I'm already pregnant. The worst part is it jungkooks kid. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to doo Yoongi. I need you to promise me oppa, please please don't tell anyone. Especially jungkook. The only people who know are you, Jin, and my bother. I don't want wanyone else to know. You weren't supposed to find out but oh well. I just need more time to think of how I'm gonna tell Kookie and I just I'm just so so scared Yoongi." I cry and he smiles hugging my body on the floor. We sat there hugging for a solid five minutes on the disgusting bathroom floor.
"It's ok Y/n. Don't freak out." He says and I sniffle. I look at him and smile. He wipes my tears away and smiles back at me.
"You should know that if you ever fuck up im the one to call. I always can help ok?"
"I'll remember that the next time I need it." I say and he smiles. Yoongi walks me to my room and bids me goodnight. I change and take my makeup off. I plug my phone in and open my drawer. I take my vitamins and stare at the picture I was given from the doctor. I smile and look at it. I then look at my stomach that hasn't changed much in appearance.
"Hey baby. I love you."

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