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I woke up in an office chair and a blanket was draped around me. Sitting in the chair next to me was Jimin and his hand was laced with mine. I smiled at the boy who must have found me here last night and decided to stay with me. I took off the blanket and shook Jimin a little to wake him up.
"Jimin.." I whisper yelled and he started stirring.
"Your a moron for falling asleep in your office Y/n." He groans as I smiled.
"Why did you sleep in here? You could've went back and slept in your own bed." I sighed. The boy grabbed my hand again.
"It was late and you didn't come home. Jin lost his mind. I had to come see if you were here and I felt bad waking you cause you were passed out. I just brought blankets and decided I would sleep here with you. The other boys knew and everyone who was awake was ok with it. I'm going to get my ass beat tho if Jungkook finds out." He laughs a little at his last sentence causing me to smile.
"Thanks for staying Jimin it means a lot."

I gathered enough energy to put on my mask and head home for a little. I decided I wanted to work from him today and do some stuff on my laptop and set up back at the bagtan boys home. I arrived to be enveloped into a hug.
"Don't ever do that again Y/n or I will beat your ass the next time you don't come home. You had me worried sick and not to mention Jungkook was having a spaz attack because he thought that you left the studio. Also Jimin the went missing and we all freaked out so when I see his ass he's going to get shmacked. Enough about him Y/n but I swear to the food gods up above if you do that again your getting the spoon!!!!!" Screms Jin in my face as I stood there trying to contain my laughter.
"It's not funny you had me scared little one." He sighs patting my head.
"I'm sorry mom didn't mean to piss you off. I am an adult though I can handle myself. Please don't feel like you need to take care of me." I say and go over to pour out some coffee that was left in the pot. I sighed walking up to my room and throwing my laptop down on my bed. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I got out letting my wet hair down and put on a little bit of skin products. I walked to yoongi a studio and sat myself down. I plugged in my laptop and let myself disconnect from the world. I focused on the new track I was having done for the new album. I was editing a new song called begin. I listened to the words I wrote be sung by Jungkook and they just flowed from his lips so gracefully. I wasn't lying when I said I wrote this song for Jungkook. I was a little sad though because my version was a little bit more classical. This one seemed to be more like a contemporary version. I sighed and got up from my seat to go get dressed in warmer clothes. I wanted to go out and do some shopping. I've been super busy and I want to have some fun. I wave to him on my way out when he grabs my wrist.
"Your not going anywhere without me young lady."

I was joined by Jin for this shopping extravaganza. He was very set on going to some of the Korean department stores he shops at for me to get some clothes.
"Y/n you have to try this dress on you'll look gorgeous!" Says Jin as I look at what he held in his hands. It was a gorgeous red dress with a low v cut neckline. The dress was also very form fitting.
"I don't know Jin that's not really my style." I say as he shakes his head.
"Come on Y/n please for your oppa?" He whines and I eventually agreed. I went into the dressing room and put it on. I looked really hot. I walk out and turn around. He claps his hands and lets a small shrill come from his mouth.
"Ahhh Y/n you look stunning! I'm buying this for you and don't even try to reject the offer!" He says motioning for me to take the dress off. I laugh at his weirdness and go back into the dressing room. I undress and put back on my outfit I was wearing. I walk out and the dress was snatched from my hands. Jin takes it to the lady at the desk and pays for it using his credit card. I smile as he walks over to me with a goofy grin.
"Here you go Y/n." He says as I smile.
"Thank you so much Jin oppa it means a lot." I say giving him a bow. He places his hand on my back and leads me out of the store. We continue to shop and laugh and walk around the mall without a care in the world. I spot an ice cream shop and ask him if I can go get some.  He of course agrees and says that he wants some to. I walk in with wide eyes as Jin's smile is evident on his face. He watched me look at all the different flavors excited for some good ass ice cream. I eventually ended up with a birthday cake flavored ice cream and Jin got a vanilla milkshake. We decided that we were over shopping and wanted dinner. Jin drove me to a restaurant that was very nice. It was also very expensive. We sat down and looked at the menu quietly.
"Thank you for spending the day with me." I say to the older boy.
"Of course my little one. I needed to really know the girl my Jungkookie is infatuated with."  I spit out my water a little when he says this.
"Y/n please don't act like Jungkook doesn't like you. It's so obvious. The real question is do you like him back?" He says as I sigh. I just met Jungkook again and I already can tell he's different. I just don't know if I can have the same feelings for the new boy or if they can be replaced by feelings for the new Jungkook.
"Jin I honest to god can't answer that question. I haven't talked to kook in years and from the conversations we've had it's completely different from when he was younger. However the one way we can always connect and it's still the same is through our music." I say as he smiles.
"Maybe you need to talk to him through a song then."

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