thirty four

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"Jungkook the baby is sleeping!" I scold him and he looks confused.
"Don't ignore me Y/n!" He says sternly and I sigh.
"These are my trianee friends whose group I joined." I say and he sighs.
"It's nice to meet you guys I'm jungkook." He says shaking the other threes hand.
"Your BTS's jungkook?" Says changbin and he nods.
"Oh my god Y/n this is junyoungs dad?" Says jisung shook and I nod.
"I've been exposed. Yes jungkook and I have been together for a while now and yes he's junyoungs daddy." I explain causing the three to be left in shock.
"Damn she got lucky." Says Chan and I laugh a little.
"Can you guys please keep this a secret?" I ask and the three nod.
"I don't want the other members to know right now and jungkooks company doesn't let him come here often and if he gets exposed he'll be in trouble." I say and the three nod.
"We get it Y/n. We won't say a word it's not our buissness to tell." Says jisung.
"Thanks guys I appreciate it. I'll see you at practice then tomarrow morning go home and sleep we got work to do." I say hugging each one goodbye and kicking them out of the apartment quickly.
"Wow thanks for the warning." I say and he shrugs.
"I came to apologize to you for how I acted earlier. I didn't mean to offend you." He says and I nod.
"I know you didn't it just hurt my feelings at the time." I say back and he pulls me into a hug.
"I missed you come on let's get to bed. We both have long days tomarrow." jungkook Whispers kissing my lips softly and walking me to the bedroom we share. Once I enter the dark room I hear a faint cry from junyoungs room and have to leave. I walk to the baby's room to see him having a crying fit.
"Come on baby." I say grabbing him out of his crib. I place him on my chest rubbing his back trying to calm him down. I was shocked when jungkook walked over and motioned for junyoung. I had him to jungkook and the small boy starts to calm down when jungkook starts signing softly. I smile and take in jungkooks angelic voice and watch the two interact.
"It's crazy how your voice calms him down." I smile as the boy was once again asleep.
"I wish I could be here more often. I'm begging my managers to let me live here with you full time but they said that I'm only allowed for now to stay on weekends. So that's why I am here also, I'm allowed to stay here Friday Saturday and Sunday night." He whispers laying down junyoung in his crib once again.
"That means everything to me jungkook. We need that because it's just hard dealing with the baby and training. I have to take him with me to work and my manager will watch him or he's in the practice room with us. I just wish there was soemone who would watch him full time but at the same time he's still so little. I just struggle letting him out of my sight." I sigh leaning into jungkook closing my eyes.
"I'm here now love and I don't plan on going anywhere. I'll start helping out more even if I have to take him with me to practice some days I'll gladly do it. One of our female managers actually volunteered to help baby sit if he comes with me to work." He sighs leaning his head against my own.
"Life's crazy isn't it?" I say softly a smile plastered on my face.
"It is but I'm glad I got to meet you in this crazy life." He responds kissing my temple. We walk out of junyoungs room and return to ours. I get changed and lay next to jungkook who was snuggled under the covers already.
"Good night baby." He says kissing my head softly.
"Goodnight jungkook." I say back falling into slumber quickly.

I woke up alone in bed and confused. I look at the time and it's 7 in the morning. I get up and walk into the kitchen to start brewing my coffee but was surprised to see jungkook in there with junyoung in his arms heating up a bottle for him.
"Good morning love." He says kissing my head while shaking the bottle for the baby.
"Good morning I'm jus not used to someone beating me to junyoung and I'm actually not mad about it." I smile and shake my head a little. I start the coffee pot while jungkook held junyoungs bottle for him. I then decided to make some eggs for the two of us. After whipping them up quickly I place two plates on the table full of eggs. I eat somewhat quickly so that I can relieve jungkook. I finish fast and snatch junyoung from him.
"Eat jungkook." I say while taking over. I smile at the sight of our little family together again. It's been hard and unusual for a while but slowly jungkooks management has gotten more comfortable with jungkook spending time with me and junyoung but I know deep down they absolutely hate him and I because of it. He takes our plates and starts cleaning them off. Junyoung finishes his bottle and starts giggling and being his goofy self.
"Good morning bub." I coo bouncing him around. I take him to his room and dress him in a cute little outfit for the day. I bring him into me and jungkooks room while the two of us pulled ourselves together for work.
"Hey let me take him in today. His uncles miss him." Says jungkook and I look at him confused.
"Do you really think they are gonna be ok with that?" I ask and he smiles.
"They don't have a choice. I decided I want to bring my son to work today and he's coming with me to work." He reassures me and I smile.
"Ok then junyoung is yours for the day babe have fun." I smile kissing him quickly and leaving for my long day at work.

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