twenty eight

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hour three begins

"Holy FUCK!" I groan as the epidural was given to me. I immediately lay back down and sigh while I feel jungkook take his hand and wipe away the small tear I had falling down my face.
"It's ok baby I know how much needles freak you out." soothes jungkook as I shut my eyes trying to get the image out of my mind.
"Did we walk in at the wrong time?" Questions Yoongi and I open my eyes immediately to motion for him to come over.
"YONGLES!" I screeched and lulled him into a hug.
"Hey Y/n how are you feeling?" He asks me and I smile.
"I'm doing the best that I can." I respond.
"Come here bug." Says Jin pulling my body in for another hug.
"All these appointments with you to now seeing you actually give birth my life is complete and I shall now finally become uncle Jinnie!" He jokes and I smile.
"I really appreciated it though that you would come with me jin. Thank you." I say grabbing his hand.
"Oh sHiT!" I scream immediately grabbing onto his hand.
"Oh FUCK." He groans and I apologize immediately.
"Poor jungkooks golden hands." Says jimin blessing himself along with taehyung.
"Hey you tweakers Come here!" I say motioning to all the boys to come over to give them hugs.
"Jungkook this is it bud are you ready?" Asks namjoon and he nods.
"Surprisingly I'm so nervous that I could piss myself but I'm ready to meet the little one." He says and I smile.
"Speaking if I think they deserve to know what the gender is baby?" Asks jungkook and I nod.
"So guys were having a baby boy! His name is jeon junyoung." I say and they all swoon over the name.
"He's gonna be just like his father." Cried hoseok earning an eye roll from Yoongi.
"Hoseok can you shut up for ten minutes the poor woman is in labor."
"It's ok Yoongi but I appreciate the love." I say to the older. The boys finally all settle down and squeeze into the couches and chairs that were in the room.
"I'm sorry guys I got lost then I was pissing but Y/n MY GIRL HOW ARE YOU!!!" Screams lea walking in the room to almost jump on me.
"Hey girl I'm doing great it's been almost four hours and I can't believe how many contractions I'm having. Maybe this kids will be out before we know it!" I say to her when the doctor walks in.
"Miss Y/n can I have a conversation with you and the father?" Doctor Kim Asks and I nod.
"Of course and if they all can hear it as well I would like for them to all stay in." I say and she nods back.
"They can stay but the conversation I need to have with you is about the baby and that 37 weeks is considered premature. There are some health risks with having a child early like this." She says and jungkook squeezes my hand softly.
"We're fully aware of this doctor Kim but I think that we can just hope for the best Yea?"
"Mr jeon I'm here to assure you that I've monitored the child and Y/n closely and I'm sure that they will be ok. I'm just giving you warning that sometimes things don't go according to plan." She says and I nod.
"Thank you dr. Kim."
"Good luck and look you've just hit hour four." She smiles.

hour eight begins

"Shhh baby breathe." Says jungkook as I grab his hand harder.
"God when can this stupid thing come the fuck out." I groaned as he wipes the sweat off of my forehead.
"After this jungkook I'm never letting your dick inside me again." I growl causing some of the others to become concerned.
"Is she fine kookie?" Questions jimin and jungkook sighs.
"Jimin shut up." He groans and I look to him.
"Don't tell my mochi jimin to shut up!"
"Sorry sorry I don't mean to upset you baby." He apologizes back and I go to close my eyes and relax again.
"Hey Miss I'm here to check you out ok?" Says the nurse as she looks at how dialated I am.
"Ok miss Y/n it's time alright." She says and I snap my eyes open.
"I'm sorry what?" I ask and she smiles.
"I need everyone to please move out of the way for the doctors ok. Dad you can stand with her and hold her hand yea?" Motions the nurse as they begin to prep for the delivery. My gynecologist walks into the room and had her mask and gloves on.
"Alright Y/n it's showtime!" She squeals as I continue to calm myself down and relax making sure not to get freaked out.
"I love you baby." Wispers jungkook placing a kiss onto my forehead.
"I love you to kookie." I say as the other all gather around watching the birth like it was reality tv.
"Ok Y/n I need you to push for me?" She says and I begin the process squeezing my eyes shut and holding onto jungkooks hand harshly.
"You got this Y/n." He says as I groan and keep pushing.
"Ok ok breath for a second then we're gonna go again." Says Doctor Kim as I gain my breath back.
"Go." She says and starts counting.
"FUCK!" I scream continuing to push as hard as I can.
"Keep going Y/n almost there I see the head." She says as I groan catching my breath to push once more.
"Good Job love look you did it." Says jungkook as I heard the cries of a newborn fill the room.
"Christ I think hoseok fainted." Says Yoongi looking at the boy who was sitting down on the couch looking as if he was about to pass out.
I see my son in the doctors arms and I can't help but cry. He's placed into my chest and continues to cry and I can't help but be overjoyed.
"Hey baby shhh don't cry mommy's got you." I say placing my hand on the littles boys head. The doctor picks him back up and hold the scissors out to jungkook.
"Here cut the cord." She says as jungkook snips the cord whole tears fill his eyes.
"Good job baby I'm so proud of you." He says crying kissing my lips softly. 
"I love you so much so so much." He cries kissing me softly again. The child is being taken care of by the doctors quickly recovering shots and getting its hand and fingers printed on a piece of paper.
"Can mr.Jeon please fill out the birth certificate?" Asks the nurse as he grabs the clipboard and pen diving almost immediately on the paper.
"What a lovely name junyoung is adorable and healthy." She says as he's once again placed on my chest.
"Hey junyoungie~" I say softly to the baby as he finally stopped crying.
"He's amazing." Says jungkook and I smile. He pulls his chair back up next to the head board and reaches out to touch his newborn son. I see the tears in his eyes as he admires the sight before him.
"I love you jungkookie." I say and he places a kiss on my head.
"I love you to Y/n."

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