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Me and Jungkook had a good time staying the night at the house. I loved evey second of it. We watched movies and cuddled on the sofa until we fell asleep. Today though it was back to Seoul and working on the new album. I was excited to also get back to yell at Jin oppas choice of outfit once again. He sent me back to the dorms looking like a whole whore lol. I never knew that the eldest of bangtan would pick out a white bralet and see through black pants to wear for the journey home. I was once again wrapped up in another sweatshirt. However this time it was because Jungkook didn't want me looking like that in public especially since I work for bughit. He gave me a cute sweatshirt though and I died over it. I loved tata to bt21 equality. We got back early in the morning as to avoid the cameras and we made a good call. I don't think we saw anyone with a camera out anywhere and we were even walking in the open without masks. I was shook not gonna lie. We arrived and the only one awake was namjoon who sat on th sofa with a pen in his hand and coffee that was steaming to his left. There was paper thrown everywhere. I walk to the older boy and sit gathering the papers on the ground. I open them each one by one and look at all the ideas. One song I thought seemed nice was.
"Why don't you like fake love?" I ask as he sighs.
"The problem is I do but i don't think the managers will like the concept of that song."
"Well if it makes you feel any better I can help you pitch it. I think a more mature concept would be good for your guys. This song also sounds like it will mak your fans go wild. I love that. I think you should follow through with it joonie. It shows that's you work hard and that you love. I think it's soemthing your fans should hear." I say to the older boy as he nods.
"Thank you. I'm gonna go write it now." He says giving me a quick hug. I hug back softly and namjoon runs to his studio. I feel two hands touch my shoulders and a kiss on my forehead.
"I'm going to get a shower and get ready for the day ok?" Jungkook wispers as I nod smiling at the boy. I laid there for a couple minutes just resting because honestly I was tired. Eventually I got up and made my way to my room. I hopped into the shower and washed my hair. I got out and dried it with the blowdryer I stole from Jin. I then put on a little bit of makeup and started looking through my closet. I ended up in a pair of mkm jeans and a long sleeve striped shirt under my bright orange Patagonia shirt. I then pair the outfit off with a pair of vans. I threw my wallet and keys and of course some money into my black backpack and made sure to grab my phone from the charger. I made my way out of the apartment and through the city. I wanted to get some coffee and then go into the office to work on some stuff. I had also applications to fill out for my auditions. I wanted to audition to see if I could get into an idol group or even solo. I didn't really have a preference either. I sighed and looked at the forms I had filled out. There was JYP, SM, and YG. I thought about doing cube but for some reason I decided against it. I sighed and sent them in. I would have auditions soon that's even if they asked me to show. I wanted to but I just got this job and not to mention I'm going to university part time now. I wasn't supposed to work today but I wanted to come in and produce some stuff. I grabbed a sandwich from the cafeteria and headed up to one of the studios. I sat myself down and started writing and making beats to come songs. I thought of one and I called it Wide Awake. I thought that one of the members voices would fill it well to. Maybe taehyung? I made sure the song was partially done and I had used my voice to record the words over the track. I sent to to pdnim and I hope he likes it. I then just screwed around even though I should've been editing tracks that namjoon and yoongi sent me. I heard a knock at my door and I got up opening the door.
"Hey Y/n I need to speak to you." Says their manager as I nod. I step out into the hallway as the older man sighs.
"What's going on between Jungkook and you? I hope you understand that if you guys have some type of romantic relationship that I can't have him distracted and it would need to end." He says as I sigh.
"Me and him are childhood friends. There's nothing going on sir." I say and he nods.
"I hope your not lying to me miss. I'll make sure you're fired if I find out that you and him are together. He's an idol and he can't date a music producer like him. It will make him look bad and not to mention he doesn't need someone taking his attention away."
"I understand sir don't worry there's nothing going on." I say reassuring him. I step back into the studio and shut the door nicely before jumping into my chair.
"Shit what do I do?" I put my hands into my face and decide I'm iver it for now. I gather my belongings and walk down to the dance practice rooms. I look in one to see Jimin doing lots of turns and jumps. I walk in and hear a contemporary song playing. The boy noticed me but kept moving keeping the same emotion and I could tell he was a born dancer. Once the song ended I clapped for the boy and he smiled coming over and giving me a hug.
"Come here I wanna see you dance." He laughs as I smile. Putting my hair up in a bun I made my way to stand next to the boy. I heard a small laugh escape from his lips.
"Ok so I'll teach you a basic contemporary piece that I learned when in school. Then once I think you have it I'll put it to the music ok?" He says as I nod. The boys starts moving his feet and shoes me how to do two different types of turns and not to mention super cool jumps. After about two hours I could do the dance myself with him standing in front of me and the music playing.
"You ready to preform?" He smiles as I nod giving the grey haired boy a thumbs up. I heard the music play and I started moving my feet. I felt myself relax almost but was a little nervous that I was being to stiff with my motions. As the music came to an end I felt myself getting tired and a little dizzy from turning. However I finished and made sure to hit the ending pose perfect.
"AHHH Y/n THAT WAS SOOO GOOD!!!" Jimins yells causing my cheeks to go a little red.
"I probably wasn't that good anyway." I say softly as he comes iver putting his hands On my shoulders. I feel him move his hand to tuck a small piece of hair behind my ear. I immediately feel my heart beat quicken and I don't know what he's about to do next. 
"It was beautiful, but not as gorgeous as you."

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