thirty three

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"Junyoungie lets go!" I squeal to the baby who is now one month old. Today I have an interview with JYP entertainment regarding soemthing I did years ago. I gathered myself enough courage to email them back and agreed to meet. I however could not get a babysitter for today and Junyoungie will be accompanying me. I sighed and gathered my belongings and left the house early. I arrived at the JYP building quickly and made my way inside with junyoung.
"Miss Y/n?" I hear a man say once I arrive at the desk.
"Is that a child?" The woman who was there as well asks.
"Oh yea this is my son junyoung." I say and she looks confused.
"Wow so CEO jinyoung debuts teen moms?" She scoffs and I roll my eyes.
"I'm going to my meeting thanks for the visitor pass." I smile walking away with the older man to a conference room. He sent me inside and I was met with an older man who I've seen before.
"Your Y/n L/n?" He asks and I nod.
"Yes sir it's great to meet you as well." I say and he notices the child.
"Whose this adorable little one?" He askd and I smile.
"This is my son junyoung." I say and he smiles.
"Your a young mother?"
"Yea he wasn't planned but I love him anyway." I say and he nods.
"He is quiet adorbale might I ask if dad is in the picture?" He says and I smile.
"Yes dad is on the picture but he works a lot and it's usually just me and junyoung alone at home." I say and he nods.
"This is not at all what I expected but I can work woth this. Usually we don't debut idols who are mothers but I think that should change huh?" He says and I look to him confused.
"I'm sorry I wasn't expecting you to say debut?"
"Yes I mean unless you don't want to be an idol. If that is the case we can have you become a music producer but whatever you want is your decision." He responds and I furrow my brows.
"If I'd be an idol wouldn't I have to give up my family and all my time?" I say and he nods.
"If you choose to be an idol it would be rough especially with the child but we have people who could take care of him here while you practice but on the other hand if you want a music producer spot we can give that to you as well." He says and I sigh.
"Would I join a group or what?" I ask and he sighs.
"We have an all male project team currently that is going to be on a survival show. The leaders name is chan. He's looking for a tenth member so I guess if you want the spot is yours." He says and I think.
"Can I maybe talk to him?" I say and he nods. He motions me to a practice room filled with five boys. I look at the one and he's super young younger then me. He even has braces.
"Chan, come out with me and this young lady." He says and the older boy walks out into the hallway.
"How about her for the tenth member?" He asks and the boy looks at the child in my hands.
"Is that hers?" He asks and I nod.
"Yea uhm this is junyoung." I say and he nods.
"Yea shes a fighter of She wants the tenth spot I'll let her in." Says Chan and I smile.
"I'll take you up on that Chan."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR A JYP TRAINEE?" shouts jungkook to me over the phone
"What are you not happy for me jungkook?" I ask back and he sighs.
"Whose going to raise junyoung while your off screwing around trying to become an idol?" He says and I get annoyed.
"Your saying I cant debut?" I ask and he stays silent.
"That's not what I meant." He says back and I cut him off.
"Then what the fuck do you mean? I would love to know. I'm an adult and a mother and if your going to make me seem like a weak fuck I don't wanna talk to you and I don't want my son to know his father." I say hanging up the phone. I throw it across the room and sigh. Junyoung is asleep and Chan said he's coming over with two of his friends and members of his group soon. I run my fingers through my hair while fixing the place up before the three boys arrived.
"Christ this place is gross." I say cleaning the kitchen and sweating. I got a quick shower and got dressed putting myself together. I picked up my phone and read messages of apology from jungkook but he really set me off so I was going to ignore them. I heard a knock on the door and wished they would've texted me as junyoung was asleep for the night already.
"Hey Y/n." Says Chan and I smile.
"Hey it's good to see you again." I say and he nods.
"I wanted you to meet jisung and changbin two rappers from the group."
"It's good to meet you guys." I say to the two and they nod.
"It's great to meet the noona who is joining our team." Says jisung and I cringe slightly.
"Let me get one thing straight. I hate noona please never ever call me that again. You can call me by my name I really don't mind." I say to jisung and he nods.
"Sounds good to me Y/n." Changbin says and I smile. I invite the boys inside and sit them down.
"Please be somewhat quiet I have a baby asleep." I say and Chan nods leaving the others confused.
"Your a mom?" Asks jisung.
"Yep a new one at that my son is one month old." I say and he looks shocked.
"Wow you look so good for giving birth a month ago!" He says and I smile.
"I work out when I can." I say and he nods.
"I can tell."
"Well i bright them over so we could evaluate you and alll I mean what is your specialty?" Chan asks and the others listen intently.
"Well I've been singing and rapping for as long as I can remeber. I used to dance but quit after about two years. I am not a strong dancer but I make up for it with being able to write and produce. I was a producer for BTS for a little and helped at big hit entertainment." I explain and they nod.
"Your the perfect fit and plus having a girl in the group wouldn't be the worst thing ever." Says changbin. I smile and laugh softly.
"It will be an adventure that's for sure. I only have one friend that's a girl for a reason. I am looking foreword to hanging out with you guys." I say and they all nod.
"Yea I'm looking foreword for you to come with us as well." Says jisung. I continue chatting with the three boys laughing at some jokes and screwing around.
"Jisung stoP!" I squealed while the younger was playing with a strand of my hair. I heard the door to the apartment open and all of us stop and look to the door where jungkook stood ragged from a long day at the company.
"What the hell are three boys doing in my house Y/n?"

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