twenty nine

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The whole process of having a child is insane and I had the time of my life giving birth even if it caused me so much pain and tears.
"Here jungkook want to hold your son?" I asked the boy and he smiles holding his arms out to the six pound child. I slid junyoung into his arms as he smiles looking at the quite child in his arms.
"Hey junyoungie." He says looking fondly at the little boy.
"Daddy's so happy to see you and all of your uncles are here and your auntie lea. I love you." He says rocking the child back and forth. The boys and lea all walk over one at a time to meet the newest member of the band.
"He's so cute." Says Jin holding the small child in his arms.
"Junyoung is just like his daddy." Responds taehyung looking at the child over Jin's shoulder.
"Here Yoongi want to hold him? Your the only one who hasn't." Says Jin as the boy looks up.
"I'm nervous." He responds and I smile.
"Come on Uncle Yoongi get used to it." The older boy lets out a rare gummy smile and takes the big into his arms smiling even wider.
"You all say he looks like his father but he defiantly has his mother's eyes." He says softly looking at me.
"He's gonna be just as cool as his uncles to." I respond.
"Alright well we're going to crash at a hotel for the rest of the evening and leave you and jungkook to bond with junyoungie." Says namjoon gathering the boys together to lead the out followed with their cries of goodbye. Once everyone had finally cleared I laid snuggled up with jungkook and Junyoung. I moved over to fit jungkook next to me and laid the sleeping child in my arms. Jungkook snuggled into my neck softly kissing it every few seconds.
"Can I tell you something crazy?" Says jungkook a small smile on his face. I turn my head to look at him and smile at his smile.
"What's that love?" I respond looking back at the sleeping Junyoung.
"This experience was the best thing I've ever been through and had made me the happiest I've ever been." He says and I can't help but smile.
"Me to jungkook." I say kissing his nose softly.
I close my eyes and sigh happily thinking about the child in my arms.
"Hey we made this." I giggle softly earning a cheek kiss from kook.
"Hell yea we did look at him he's already the coolest kid in the neighborhood." He laughs and I nudge him softly.
"Shut up don't wake the babe." I say looking at Junyoung to see him open his eyes for the first time since the birth.
"Look he opened his eyes."Says jungkook looking at the child's big eyes that resemble my own.
"Yoongi was right he really does have your eyes love."

It's now the next morning and jungkook and I are being released to go home today with Junyoung.
"Now mr and mrs jeon I want you to know that he's fragile and for most first time parents it's going to be rough but I can assure you that you will overcome the toughness and be able to live an amazing life as young parents." The nurse says making me uneasy while sending us off.
"Thank you so much for the care ma'am." Jungkook bows softly leading me and the child to the car. I put the baby in his car seat and sit in the back with him the entire ride back to jungkooks parents home.
"Welcome back!" We heat from everyone who was at the hospital for the birth. There were snacks and drinks and lots of presents that I can only assume cake from the people here.
"Thanks guys." Says jungkook as I smile holding Junyoung in my arms.
"Let me see my grandbaby." Says auntie as I had the tired child over to her to hold. I sigh and walk to lea.
"Hey I brought the lease for you an jungkooks apartment with me." She says handing me the papers.
"Thank you so much." I say and she nods.
"I'm ready for my best friend to come back to Seoul I miss seeing you in class." She smiles and I laugh.
"I'm online schooling now because of this little guy." I say rolling my eyes.
"I know but even if you aren't in class I want to still be your best and only girl friend." She says and I nod.
"How's jimin?" I ask and she immediately blushed.
"I'm well uh he's fine I guess." She stutters and fumbles over her words.
"How was your first date?" I ask and she smiles.
"We're together now actually." She says and my eyes widen.
"NO WAY!" I gasp and she nods.
"I know I can't believe it either. We are opposites in every way but hey opposites attract." She shrugs and I smile.
"Awe I ship it so hard."
"Leave me alone now let's focus on my new boy to spoil." She giggles walking over to ask to hold junyoung.
"Hey aren't you tired love?" Whispers jungkook placing his hand in the small of my back.
"Yea but I wanna be out and about I haven't seen everyone in so long." I say and he sighs.
"Come on lets sit you down." He says walking me over to the couch. I sit down with a huff and lean into jungkook.
"Here I got you a drink." He says and I take a sip immediately handing it back.
"Is this beer?" I say and he nods.
"Congratulations you can drink again." He laughs and I sigh.
"Wow I completely forgot." I say and take the cup back taking another sip.
"I don't want the rest jungkook." I say and he nods. It was lunch time and I could tell junyoung was getting tired. He was starting to cry and squirm around.
"Let me have him." I say to uncle and he hands the upset child over quickly.
"He's probably tired I'm going to put him down in the nursery." I say and take the child to the makeshift nursery we have made. I laid him down in the crib and watched him slowly drift to sleep. I sat there watching him a tear in my eye not because I was sad but because I was so happy.
"Hey." Whispers jungkook coming in to stand next to me and arm around my waist.
"Hi." I smile back and continue to watch the sleeping child.
"Have I told you I'm completely and forever in love with you." He smiles and I lean back into his chest.
"Your so cheesy but I love you more." I smile. I'm silence we sat there content watching the newborn child slowly drift into slumber.

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