thirty five

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After a ling day training I was ready to just sleep. I arrived home to a quiet house and laying in the living room on the ground were my boys. They both were fast asleep and I can't help but to smile. I place my bag down and get out my phone. I snap a photo of the two lying down being so cute. I sigh picking up junyoung taking him to his room. I place the young boy down and then proceed back to the living room to still see jungkook peacefully sleeping on the ground. I kneel down and brush the hair out of his face.
"Hey jungkook wake up." I say softly to the boy causing him to start shuffling around.
"When did I fall asleep?" He questions and I shake my head.
"No idea but come on sleepy boy lets go to bed." I say and he nods getting up from the ground trudging to the bedroom we share. He throws himself down On the bed and I lay next to him.
"Good night baby." I say kissing his nose. I get back up to get myself ready for bed. I hop into the shower and wash my body and hair after a ling day at the studio. I get out and throw on something I grabbed from the drawers. I lay down next to jungkook immediately snuggling up to him for warmth.
"Good night yn." He says and I smile drifting off to dreamland.

The next Morning:

I woke up and jungkook was gone? Usually I'm the first one awake. I immediately go to junyoungs room to look for the younger. I sigh seeing the child out of his crib. I shake my head and walk into the kitchen. I was surprised to see a giant breakfest cooked and sitting on the table as well as the two boys all dressed and ready.
"What are you two up to?" I ask walking up to the baby and taking the dressed toddler out of jungkooks arms.
"Y/n I need to talk to you." He says and I look at him confused.
"About what am I missing soemthing?" I ask and he smiles.
"Not quote but I have to tell you something." He says and my head moves to the side.
"What are you doing?" I ask curious if his unnormal material.
"I just need you to get dressed and eat you and I have somewhere to go today." He says and I smile.
"Your so cute jungkook." I say and proceed to get ready. I walk back into my room and notice the box sitting on the dresser that was not there last night. On it was a note from jungkook.

I got this for you :)

I smile at the gift and open it looking at what was inside. There was an outfit that was coordinated with his and junyoungs. I smile and put on the all black outfit that jungkook picked out himself. I also had to wear some black platforms to match the quirky ness of my boyfriend. I walk out ready to go and take jungkooks hand in my own. The three of us walk out and get into the car and jungkook starts driving.
"Where are we going?" I ask and he smiles.
"Just somewhere fun." He responds and I sigh looking back out the window. I watch the surroundings of Seoul pass by as we fly down the streets. Jungkook eventually pulls up to a cute little park on the outskirts of the city. I'd never been here before and was already entrigued. It was still early morning though and the fact that their were not a lot of people made it peacful. I got out after jungkook and made sure to grab junyoung before kookie could get to him. I held the baby in my arms and handed the backpack to jungkook to carry. We walked through the winding paths and the colors of the trees were gorgeous in the spring weather. I admire all the scenery the park had to offer. We had been waking for about twenty minutes before we saw a gorgeous brindle crossing over the large pond in the park. We walked onto it and over looked all the ducks and gorgeous things around it. I walk to the other side of the bridge with junyoung to point out the koi fish that were swimming around in the mucky water.
"yungie look at the fishies!!" I sat causing the young boy to babble and make amused noises. I smile turning around to see jungkook on his knee a ring in hand.
"Jungkook." I say shocked as he had the biggest smile on his face.
"Y/n I don't want to do one of those ling sappy things about how much I love you because I feel as if the news from my management that I can be seeing you and be public with you is enough and that's why I just need to ask. Will you marry me Y/n?" He asks and I can feel the tears just falling out of my eyes.
"Oh my god... OF COURSE YES A MILLION TIMES YES!" I exclaim my free hand coming to start wiping tears out of my eyes.
"Oh thank god I was scared you'd say no." He laughs sliding a ring into my wet hand placing a kiss on my head and then on junyoungs.
"I'm ready for us to be a family Y/n." He says and I nod.
"Me to jungkook." I say kissing his lips quickly.
"Sjcjaocjfakakxmaaa." Says junyoung causing the two of us to laugh.
"He's just to cute." Smiles jungkook at his son. I look at the two boys in front of me and feel the best I've felt in a long time.

"Hey Y/n guess what?" Says jungkook on our walk back to the car.
"What's up?" I ask and he laughs softly.
"After all these years I've realized that your the cause of my euphoria."

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