twenty two

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"I'm sorry what did you say?" My dad Asks and my mom is smiling.
"Honey I think we're going to be grandparents." She says placing a hand on my fathers shoulder.
"Is this true Y/n?" He asks and I smile.
"Yea it is dad. I'm gonna be a mom!"
"I'm so happy for you Y/n. Of course while jungkook is away you can have a place to stay here. You know your always welcome. We are defintily going to have to keep this from everyone for a while and most defintily until the child is born." My mom says guiding us all into the living room. I sat with jungkook hands intertwined.
"I want her to be looked after. She's carrying the next Jeon baby." He smiles kissing my head softly.
"When do you leave?" Asks my father.
"February." Jungkook responds.
"That's soon! So do you plan on coming back for the birth if you can?" He asks and jungkook sighs.
"I want to be here if possible but when the baby is due we're supposed to be in North America. I don't know how easy it's going to be for me to get back here and if I can even leave the tour. My managers don't know yet but they will soon." He says and my dad nods his head.
"Well then Y/n whenever he leaves you can come back and stay here. Your old room will be where you stay. Also your mother will get your maternity clothes ready for you for when you get here." Says my dad and I smile.
" I appreciate that your letting me stay here so thank you guys." I say and they nod.
"Why wouldn't you be allowed. Your my daughter." Says my dad with a soft smile.
"Thank you guys so much. It means the world to me that you will be able to look after her. She's very important to me." thanks jungkook once again. He leans and placed a small kiss on my head.
"Are you keeping this from your boss?" Asks my mom and jungkooks happy expression falls.
"Yea they don't know anything about this. I want to tell them but I just don't know when to." He says softly.
"Jungkook I told you I'll tell them for you if it's such a big deal." I say and he shakes his head.
"No its best they not know its you. I don't want your name getting taken off the album or anything." He says and my parents turn their heads.
"What album are you talking about?" My father asks and I sigh. My parents would have to Find out at some point anyway.
"I helped produce songs on their next album dad." I say.
"I thought we discussed this Y/n your taking over the company as the Vice President on your twenty first birthday. Are you waisting your time making music?" He asks and I lower my head.
"I'm sorry dad I didn't mean for that to happen. It was just supposed to be an internship and then jungkook and all the boys thought I should help Produce songs on their next album and."
"You mean to tell me that your name is on this album because of him?" My father yells and I nod.
"Sir I don't mean to cause any trouble with you but I just encouraged Y/n to go with her heart." He says and my dad gets up.
"No man who tells my daughter to follow her heart and not what she is supposed to do is worthy of her. Your damn lucky that she's carrying your child." He says and leaves the room. My mom sits and looks at me.
"I'm so sorry Y/n I wish I could do something but your fathers right. You need to be working on getting ready for your spot at the company. I think that you staying here will be a great opportunity for you to begin your training. We can't have you doing whatever and screwing around it seems. Good night." She says getting up and walking away. I feel jungkook grab my hand and sigh.
"Well that went great." He says and I roll my eyes.
"You had to bring the album up jungkook?!" I yell at him and he looks confused.
"What do you mean? How was I supposed to know they would be upset with you?" He defends himself and I bite my lip.
"You should know that they want me to work for them!" I yell back at him. "You've been around long enough! I literally left years ago because of this family's company."
"Y/n I don't want to argue about this. You helped produce an album. Yea it's not helping at a large company but you still did something that should be recognized." He sighs wrapping him arms around my neck.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be an asshole. Lets go home kookie." I say grabbing his hand leading him out to the drive way. He got in the car and began driving back to the dorm. I stayed silent the entire ride and noticed him peeking glances at me every once in a while. We got him pretty quickly and earlier then we were supposed to. We went up the stairs and I waited as jungkook fumbled with his keys. When he finally got the door open we were met with an interesting and scary sight. Mr. Bang and the other boys were sitting in the living room all with straight faces. Except for namjoon who looked upset.
"Finally he's home." Says Jin and the others look up.
"What's everyone doing here?" Asks jungkook ushering for me to leave the room. I walk back to my own room and sit on my bed. I changed quickly and sit in the hallway where nobody can see me.
"Jungkook when were you going to let us know that you've got one of your album producers pregnant?" He asks.
"I was going to tell everyone I swear it's just that well we wanted to let her and my own family know first." He says and I hear another voice join in.
"Sir with all due respect we didn't feel the right was ours to tell you." Says namjoon.
"Yes but don't you boys think this is a big deal? What would the fans do if they knew of this?" Says Mr.Bang.
"She's moving out this weekend jungkook and this is a secret. If anyone knows of this Mr. L/n will loose his mind. He's the one who called me and I'm glad he did. I'm sorry to tell you jungkook but she can't live here and you may not be in super close contact with her for the time being. She is not to leave this house until she moves out this weekend. We will deal with this mess after your tour." He says and leaves slamming the door on his way out. I sigh and feel a small tear fall down my face.
"Come here baby." Says jungkook pulling me off of the ground.
"I'm so sorry." I say and he tightens the hug.
"Im sorry to."

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