Chapter 1

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Doyoung and Johnny wince at the sound of the gunshot and look up to where their leader was standing and they both sigh with relief to see the stone faced man with his arm still outstretched with his pistol pointing at the collapsed convicts, smoking slightly.

Ten doesn't bother to say a word and turns around to descend down the ladder to get to his wounded comrades, as he turns a pale moon lit glimmer catches his eye through the window beside him and he takes a momentary look and sees the glimmer was in fact the pale moon lit face of a sleeping young man.

Ten takes in a small breath as he watches the young man for a moment, there was no doubt that this boy was breathtaking, Ten couldn't deny it. He frowned slightly, his face mirroring the look that had suddenly appeared on the strange sleeping male's face. Ten sees him shift and realizes that the man was going to soon open his eyes and quickly goes down the ladder onto the grimy floor of the alley.

Ten examines the bodies of the convicts before he calls the police to let them know that the convicts had been caught and alerted them to the position of the dead pair. He leaves out the part that the convicts were dead and ushers his wounded subordinates into the van that was waiting just outside the alley for them. He quickly asks Yuta if the money was being transferred through the com in his ear and looses a small smirk when he hears that it had already come through.

He looks at the dilapidated apartment building once more and briefly wonders about the sleeping male within, he wonders for a moment at how such a breathtaking creature could have ended up holed up in that dump. He finally drives off glancing back at his team members through the rear view mirror every once and a while as they roll around the back of the van bandaging each other's wounds and taking turns checking on the still passed out Lucas.

Ten looses a soft sigh and he calls back to the members in a gruff voice "What went wrong?" his tone suggesting a slip up on his members part. Johnny looks down sheepishly and Doyoung pretends he hadn't heard Ten as he carefully tends to Lucas. "I won't ask again" Ten sighs loudly.

"We didn't know they were there..." Johnny replies his voice slightly shaky from the pain stabbing up his leg from the jarring of the van's movements. "It's not a good excuse but the alley was dark and we weren't sure how close they were until they were right under our noses"

Ten sighs for seemingly the hundredth time that night "Don't let your bodies take the hits like that ever again" He threatens, though this seemingly off handed comment would have confused or maybe offended anyone else it heartened the boys to hear it because they knew that this was their leader's way of caring for them, Ten wanted them to get stronger so they wouldn't make stupid mistakes or get themselves killed next time they went out on a dangerous job.

Ten pulls carefully into the hidden back drive of their home and gets out to help the injured members out of the car, Kun limped out quickly to meet them and Yuta followed closely behind. Ten slung Lucas back over his shoulder with a grunt and Doyoung winces as he watches Lucas bounce painfully against Ten's shoulder blade before he settled as dead weight on the shoulder.

Kun and Yuta support Johnny as well as they could and Doyoung goes out ahead of them and opens the door for them with his good arm.

Ten lays Lucas onto one of the plush, covered couches, and Doyoung volunteers to go get a rag and some water to clean him up, Ten nods at this and announces "Everyone clean yourselves up and meet back here, none of you are off the hook for what happened tonight, you have 20 minutes" he glares sternly around the half circle of the members arranged in front of him, they all hang their heads.

With that Ten leaves to his room with Titan at his heels. He grabs a fresh set of grey sweatpants that he could spend the rest of the night in and goes to clean himself of the blood that was all over his hair, skin, and clothes, none of the red sticky substance belonged to Ten himself and even though this was what he did for a living he definitely didn't appreciate the filth that came with his career.

Eventually he strips and steps into the warm shower and contemplates just what he would say to his members about their misbehavior tonight.

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