Chapter 29

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*Sorry this took so long, I thought this was a good place to stop this chapter before we got to the super important things (Not that Ten's manners aren't important) so don't be surprised if this section ends up being more than three parts

I hope you still enjoy this chapter! Even though it is a bit of a filler...*

*Chapter 27 has also been rewritten finally! So please go ahead and check it out and leave any constructive criticism!*

*I also may or may not have made the, probably bad, split second decision to enter Boss in the 2019 Watty Awards thing... ^^Whoops*



Ten was seated on the plush khaki leather drivers seat within his sleek silver car, his head tilted so far back the crown of it touched the headrest behind it. His iron and steel eyes were hidden from the world as he sat in silence, for the first time just taking a moment to stop and think.

He had never done this for anyone, besides Taeil to an extent, and hadn't exactly been put in this specific position. Ever. He wasn't sure when he decided he was willing to go to such lengths for his redheaded king, it could have been the first night the older had cooked for the whole gang, or possibly when the boss and the dancer were baking that cake for Taeil's birthday. Or maybe he made his resolution when he saw the scars upon Taeyong's torso, and smelled the sickly sweet scent of bile in the bathroom, perhaps it was then he had made a personal vow to protect the fiery older. Or maybe not. Ten couldn't be sure.

He didn't know why but he knew without a doubt, he would go to any length for his dancer.

With a soft sigh the boss twists the key and brings his car to life with a soft purr as he catches sight of a couple making their way towards him. Ten steps out of the car and offers a respectful bow to the pair, which they receive with a graceful incline of their heads.

The well groomed, blue haired man opens the car door for the middle aged couple and offers his forearm to both members of the couple with his hand closed and palm facing down in a gesture of respect.

While the woman smiles softly at the sight, appreciating the shocking politeness of the offer as she ducks into the car unaided. The man snorts lightly as he notes that the boss's forearm remains extended for his own entrance into the car, accepting the help nevertheless "Bad knees" the middle aged man mumbles in his own defense but Ten just smiles good naturedly, simply content with being helpful as he hovers for a moment making sure his honored passengers were secured into the plush seats of the car before closing the car door as softly as he could and returning to his place in the driver's seat.

After a few minutes of silence as Ten made his way through the city, being sure to make many misdirecting turns so as to obscure the location of his home, the woman, Hyorin, speaks up in a rewardingly calm tone "You are much more respectful to us than I expected Chittaphon"

Ten's steel eyes look up into the rear view mirror, their gaze clear and sharp with defensiveness "I don't recall giving you that name ma'am, but nevertheless you and your husband are my guests under my own invitation, I would never dream of being anything less than respectful"

"Do you not remember us kid?" the man, Boseok, hums, contributing with a surprisingly soft voice, his tone sounded almost disappointed with this revelation.

"I will admit you both are quite familiar in both name and face but it must have been quite a long time ago as the memories are fuzzy, I apologize" Ten responds gently, in an almost reassuring tone as he glances sheepishly at the pair seated in the back of his car.

"It's alright dear" Hyorin reassures sweetly "You were quite young, only about 9 or 10 the last time we saw you in person" she glances at her husband for reassurance that her memory had held and smiles lightly when Boseok gives her an affirming nod with a gentle affectionate smile.

"So you know about me" Ten murmurs, almost to himself, rather disconcerted by this revelation "And yet you still accepted when I reached out to you with my invitation"

"Of course" Boseok huffs gruffly "We knew you wouldn't harm us as soon as you said our Taeyong's name, you were much more gentle and hesitant in tone than we expected"

The young boss nods lightly, accepting the response, albeit begrudgingly as he pulls into the drive of his home. He pulls as close to the door as he dares and exits the car to open the doors for the couple, he opens Hyorin's door first and bows to her as he waits for her to exit the car. Once she does he closes the door and goes around the car to open the door for Boseok, whom had been awaiting assistance with a begrudgingly amused look on his face. Ten opened the door for the man and extended his crooked arm in the same manner as he had originally and helps the middle aged man out of the car before closing the door softly.

Ten bows to the pair as a small apology as he returns to his seat in the car and parks it in the garage before doing back to rejoin the patiently waiting couple. "Welcome to my home" he says respectfully, inclining his head as he holds the door open for the pair "It will be just us three for the meal tonight, please take a seat here while I go check on dinner" Ten offers, gesturing calmly to the plush couches arranged neatly around the fireplace, sighing in internal relief that the members had actually managed to tidy up the area and made a mental note to thank johnny and Jisung for it later, as they were the only ones who could have possibly listened.

The couple nods and goes to seat themselves on the comfortable couch in the front center of the curve, both taking a moment as they sit to admire the rather impressive room spread out around them. Ten had accompanied them to the couch and offers an arm to help Boseok sit down, which was gratefully accepted, and made sure they had settled well and makes the presence of the pitcher of cold water and the three cups accompanying it known to the pair before heading off quickly to the kitchen to check in on Taeil's progress on the meal.

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