Chapter 25

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*Sorry it's a bit short*



Coffee eyes flutter open to view the thick, stained, off-white bricks through their exhaustion blurred lenses. Restless ears are assailed by the unfamiliar clinking of the thick chain that rested in the form of a burdenful cuff upon a black jeaned ankle.

The tired coffee eyes blink away the blur and the faded red hair that framed them hangs down as the pale caramel skinned face and head shifts down to allow the coffee iris' to peer in through the small tunnel that contained the links of the chain that connected the bound ankle with that of a newfound companion chained on the other side of the cinder block wall.

The cramped, faded redhead watches as black loafer covered feet make their way past the gap in the wall out of the room, away from its newly bound occupant whom they had chained to the other side of the chain, binding the redhead to the owner of the dark grey, jean covered ankle and leg to each other for the time being.

Taeyong didn't dare to speak to his new companion even in a whisper until he was sure he knew the range of the mics that were set up around his, and likely his chain mate's, room.

He was quickly allowing his curiosity to get the best of him as he prepared himself to softly question his unfamiliar neighbor. Before he can open his mouth and make contact with his neighbor his door opens and one of three familiar black haired figures approaches him after closing the stained door behind him.

Yang gives a sheepish smile for the bound Taeyong as he holds up his offering of a dull metal tray that held a small bread roll, a smaller stack of sliced, processed, mystery meat, and an even smaller glass of water.

Yang glances at the camera beside the painting meaningfully as he schools his features back into the blank stare his profession required as he steps forward into the view of the three cameras that were hidden among the items within the dingy room.

Taeyong made the mental note to remember, the door frame is a blind spot. He nodded ever so slightly to express his gratitude and understanding as the slightly shorter male approached him at his resting place beside the hole in the wall.

Yang set down the tray almost silently beside the elder and as he goes to straighten up he murmurs into Teyongs ear, in a voice so soft it was nearly imperceptible, even to Taeyong. 

 "Give him a chance"

Tae resists the strong urge to furrow his brows and question the black haired male, but before he could have even made an attempt the other male was gone. Leaving Taeyong alone with the small tray of food that made his stomach churn and his neighbor through the thick cinder block wall.

With a quiet scrape Tae pulls the tray towards himself. At the sound he hears his neighbor rustle softly and peaks to see that the liquid he had seen that had darkened the grey pant leg was from a slight gash just below the knee. He pulled his face away from the hole as he saw the body of his companion twist so he could peer through on his own.

Taeyong froze and waited silently for the unwilling companion to react vocally. It seemed the other man had seen Tae's leg through the hole in the wall to confirm his suspicion of being a neighbor.

An unmistakable voice rings out and Taeyong could not help it as his coffee eyes widen in shock. The voice was slightly gravelly from overuse but the smooth, high tone beneath it was easy to recognize.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I had a companion in this miserable cell"

Kwon Jiyong.

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