Chapter 20

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*I'm so sorry about the super late update ㅜㅜ I was going to do a couple over the weekend but I didn't have connection and during the week a new semester started so I had to settle in to that ㅜㅜ I think I'm good to go now?*

*Does anyone want anything special from me? Like a Q&A for the characters later on? Or a face reveal if we reach a certain goal? Go ahead and comment what you want and a goal you think it's worth (ex. "Do a fanart at 8k reads!" or "Do a Q&A at 1k votes!") I'll take the most suggested and average out the goal number^^*

*Sorry it's a bit short*



Ten hadn't spoken a word to his newly recovered hyung since he had entered the van and simply sat silently in the driver's seat for a moment after he parked the black vehicle before headquarters.

Taeil looked from his beloved Johnny to his young leader, his charcoal eyes clouded over with confusion as he watched the silent mob boss.

"Ten" he murmurs gently leaning slightly out of his lover's lap to better see the leader. When he gets no response he looks at Johnny and leans forward to sit on his knees in front of his love and reaches a hand out to gently hold Ten's shoulder.

A mere inch away from the blue haired man's shoulder Taeil's hand was swatted away "Let's reunite you with the others" the steel eyed male snarls, his voice filled with an unexplained hatred stronger than anything Taeil or Johnny had ever heard from him, but there was an underlying tone that was deeper than a simple rage, a tone that the two lovers knew all too well.

Taeil and Johnny lock eyes for a moment before Taeil gives Johnny a quick and gentle kiss and exits the van.

Johnny makes a small, quiet hum of satisfaction at the display of affection and follows the older from the van, he goes to stand beside Taeil and snakes an arm around his slim waist, pulling his darling's hip against the muscle of his thigh.

He leans his head down slightly and kissed Taeil's chocolate hair as he warily kept his eyes trained on his angry leader who had just exited the vehicle and was making his way to the door, the anger, aggression, and an emotion none were willing to address seemed to shroud around the leader as they rolled off of him in waves.

The 'shroud' around him sent the anxious gang members that had been awaiting his return into a state of depression as they misconstrued the cause of his aggression and depression to be the failure to retrieve their comrade instead of the loss of his prize.

Meaning when Taeil walked in, joined to Johnny as near to the hip as he could get, the members fell into a momentary confusion at the attitude of their leader before their joy and relief overflowed and they rushed to the poor recently rescued eldest, floods of questions and chatter assailing the chocolate haired eldest as the members of his family all converged around him and his love, to whom he clung onto tightly encase he might lose him again in the throng of gang members.

NCT Dream crowded closely around the eldest at all sides crushing him in a hug and the elder team NCT U awaited their turn to cluster around the eldest, with a few acceptions of course, there were a few who were just as rambunctiously excited as the maknaes.

There were two characters missing from this happy reunion beside the obvious, the youngest of the maknaes, Jisung, who had been basically raised by the oldest and besides Johnny was the closest to Taeil, was seated on a nearby couch wish his face in his hands and small droplets of moisture falling from between is fingers and rolling down his wrists as his shoulders shook with the force of his relief.

And Ten. Whose pace did not change from the steady, stiff backed, march when he walked through the door. Though when he left the sight of his subordinates his pace began to slow, his feet were like lead as they began to shuffle against the floor, his strong sloped shoulders sagging inward as if they carried a great burden.

Though if thought of correctly one could suppose they did, they carried his head. They supported his head which was so weighed down by his chaotic thoughts and emotions he could hardly stand to hold it high, so he didn't, he let his chin lower towards his chest so all he could see was the pristine wood flooring before his shuffling feet.

As his feet guided his busy mind towards a place he wasn't sure where he found himself accompanied by a soft clicking that sounded by his side, a quick flick of his eyes to the direction of the noise told him that his sweet, dear Titan was his near silent companion on his autopilot walk through the complex.

Eventually the blue haired leader and his loving dog came to a stop, he tilted his head up slightly to find himself before a door, a large wooden one just like his own. He tilted his head up a bit further and there felt to be ice prickling through his veins. The plaque beside the door was marked


Titan whined lowly picking up her master's distress and layering it with her own, this was Taeyong's room.

Ten placed his hand on the shiny brass knob of the oaken door and with a soft click he slowly swung it inwards to reveal the empty room, as clean as ever.

Taeyong had a habit of always making his room look as un-lived in as possible, he always put things away and made the bed cleanly, as if he knew he could be taken at any time and he didn't want others to go through the hassle of cleaning up after him.

The thought sends a shiver down the distressed mob boss's back as he sat carefully down on a lounging chair beside the bed, he placed his elbows on his knees and folded his hands into a steeple, he places his chin on his hands and stares at the bed as if, if he watched it closely enough, long enough, the redhead would suddenly sit up from under the sheets to see the boss with his massive sentinel like dog by his side staring intensely at him.

Ten almost chuckled as he imagined the sassy, sarcastic remarks he knew the other would make if he caught him staring at his sleeping form.

It's possible that Ten thought maybe he would have liked to get caught staring,

After all, it would mean that His King was still safely by his side.

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