Chapter 36

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*This is the longest chapter I have ever written, also the hardest, please take care of yourselves while reading!!!!!*

*3,307 words*


As they waited on the sidelines, anxiously waiting for any one of the doors to burst open to reveal their comrades inside, the comms in the ears of the group leaders outside buzzed to life. They tensed, preparing for the worst news.

A single order buzzed through, for half, in Yuta's stern tone and for the other in Jisung's urgent one.

"Move in"

The squad leaders grimly signal for their followers to draw their weapons, the quiet sound of the fabric of their holsters making way for cold metal of the guns echoes through the circle of gang members in a wave through the sharp night air.

The leaders check to their lefts and rights as they slink closer to the complex, closing the circle completely as they reach the streets around the large building. They nod to each other and split into four directional groups.

The centered squads entered first, and the rest funneled carefully in after them, one squad at a time per door.

Once inside the squads split up and begin to fill the building, taking over sections of the complex in waves. They shoot to kill, aiming their bullets at every rival gang member to cross their paths.

Many of their own fall but as do many of their rivals.

Back in the crossroads where Seungri stood, blocking Winwin, Taeyong, and the three traitor's exit from that direction. Ten arrives at the scene. He enters the intersection directly behind the group of five, Titan hot on his heels. She had located him quickly after entering the complex with the other gang members.

Seungri's sadistic grin widened at the arrival of his rival "Welcome" he crows, gesturing grandly around him "I hope you've enjoyed wandering our halls"

Ten approaches slowly, a threatening snarl rising in his throat as he takes in the scene before him. The growl dies in his throat as his eyes light upon Taeyong, limp across Winwin's back.

His eyes darken and his anger grows as he takes in the stitching on the bottom of His King's feet, the massive lacerations across his back that bled in little beads through his shredded shirt.

The blue haired boss freezes as his eyes alight on a single, final detail. The collar. Taeyong's collar was tattered, from where Ten could see it he could tell it was hanging on around the redhead's neck by hardly a thread. But a thread nonetheless.

Winwin glances behind him and releases a quiet sigh and backs slowly towards his leader, the group surrounding him following suit, keeping their eyes trained on Seungri as they went.

Seungri made no move to stop them, not even as Taeyong was carefully transferred to Ten's back.

There was still no movement when Yangyang went to stand beside Hendery at the front, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder and murmuring in his ear "You and Xiao get them out of here"

Seungri's murderous smile only grew as the group backed away, leaving only Winwin and Yangyang standing side by side between the sadistic leader and their friends.

Yuta connected to Winwin's comm in this moment and requested an update on his situation, hoping someone had gotten to His Love.

Winwin made no move to respond.

Yangyang hears one of the 3 sets of footsteps behind him pause and turns to see Xiaojun hesitating at the corner where the others had already disappeared.

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