Chapter 15

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*Sorry update is a little short today
HAPPY EARLY CHRISTMAS cause knowing me I'm going to forget to get things done for this story so y'all can have something over Christmas, I'm sorry in advance*

"Johnny I'm not going to go see him today" Taeyong sighs as he sat curled up on the couch with Titan on the cushion beside his bare feet and Johnny sitting sideways on the couch in front of him and looking at him.

"I know but you have to be ready, when do you usually see him anyway?" Johnny appeals it was the morning after Taeyong's practice with Taeil and he was getting as much info out of Taeyong as he could, he wanted to know everything about his lover that he could possibly find out. His eyes were still puffy and red from the rivers of relieved and bitter tears he had shed the night before but he could care less as he questioned Taeyong about Taeil's every little move.

Finally Ten could be seen walking towards the pair and Taeyong grins and jumps up off of the couch "Thank god!" he says happily, Ten looked at Taeyong and Titan, who had followed the red head to her master, with a small amused smile "I couldn't find my way back to my room so I was waiting for you" Taeyong admits sheepishly "I'm horrible with directions and I'm tired of Johnny asking me about Taeil"

Ten nods slightly and chuckled lowly "So the smart ass does have a weakness, good to know" Taeyong pouted at him and Ten raised an eyebrow "You really must be exhausted to be acting like such a child" he teases "Let's get you to bed" he hums as he turns away from the other, he wonders why the other was so exhausted. Could it be that he didn't fall asleep as he had assumed?

Taeyong yawned and followed along behind Ten trying to carefully re-memorize the way to his rooms. Ten opened the door for the taller to enter his rooms, he does just that and flops face down on his sheets.

Ten chuckled and was about to close the door to leave the other be for a little bit before he realized that the red head was still wearing one of the collars that Ten had brought for him, so he enters the room and carefully touches the side and base of Taeyong's neck so he wouldn't surprise the other too much as he turned the collar so he could unbuckle it, "You can't sleep with this on or you'll choke" he admonishes quietly as he places the collar on the table.

He backs off and goes to the door "Titan is staying with you," he says quietly hoping she would be able to help the other enough so he could sleep for a while instead of only a short time. "Sleep as long as you can Pet, I'll come for you if we need you for anything" he says gently before leaving the room and closing the door to give Taeyong his privacy.

Taeyong was far too relieved and exhausted by a job well done to even hear the other's words as he curled in on himself and burrowed under his blankets.

Titan whined quietly as she realized that the sweet smelling boy would be at a place under the covers that she couldn't reach before she sees him pop his head out from under the blankets and place it right below his pillow. Titan carefully hopped onto the bed and started burrowing in under the large, fluffy comforter until she was crouched beside the red head.

She flopped down beside him and they slept with their backs pressed against each other and their breathing soft and slow.

Some hours later the sun begins to shine through the partially shaded windows of Taeyongs room. Titan was the first to be awoken by this as she was the one with her face towards the windows she huffs and carefully wiggles off the bed before carefully taking a corner of one long curtain in her jaws and tugging it towards the center of the window where it would meet with the other to block out the light.

She had gotten through one of the two windows before Taeyong woke up from the lack of the comforting heat of her body at his back, he sat up bleary eyed and looks around the room fuzzily before turning to the windows and finding the massive mastiff tugging the curtains of his room closed.

He couldn't help but giggle at her behavior, which was like that of a frustrated child.

Ten walks in mid giggle with a small tray of cereal, toast and a glass of water and smiles ever so slightly at the melodious sound of the other's giggles "what a beautiful sound to be welcomed by" he hums, making his presence known to the pair as he brought the tray over and set it above Taeyong's outstretched legs.

Titan sees her master and abandons her project of closing the curtains and instead takes up a place curled up beside Taeyong's hip hoping to bum a bite or two of food off of him.

Ten chuckles lightly and takes a bowl of browned ground beef and some rice off of Taeyong's tray and adds certain vitamins he had been keeping in his pocket to the mixture before placing it before his Titan "Your food is here too my dear" he says sweetly making sure the bowl was in the perfect place for her to eat happily with minimal movement, just the way she liked it.

"Thank you Ten" Taeyong mumbles around a large bite of cereal.

Ten chuckles lightly and ruffles Taeyongs hair a little in an affectionate way

"You're welcome My King"

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