Chapter 7

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Ten knocked gently on the door of Taeyong's rooms, the boys new clothes laying nicely over his arm. He walks into the room not long after his warning and finds Taeyong in the same position as when ten had left him, except for a pair of small details. The apple Ten had left behind for the boy was gone and there was a faint stench coming from the bathroom, the stench was not of someone who had relieved them self but rather of someone who had eaten something and had then proceeded to throw it up again.

Titan snarls quietly at the putrid, sweet scent of the sick and pads up to Taeyong announcing her and her master's presence in the room.

"I brought you some clothes, get changed, we are going to discuss the details of your time here" Ten says his voice low in both pitch and volume, he sounded as cold as ever though his volume told a different story. He places the clothes on the bed in the silence that had followed his words.

"Why can't we just talk about it here and now?" Taeyong asks turning in Ten's direction and running the new clothes through his hands.

"Because it isn't just us speaking about this pet, Jiyong is the one trying to get you back after all, he ought to know the details" Ten explains retreating to the door, he glances at the trashcan and his mouth twitches as he sees the apple core lying in the bottom of it "You have 10 minutes before I come back in, you better be dressed" and with that Ten and Titan exit the room to give Taeyong his privacy.

Taeyong carefully strips off his bottoms and looks over the boxers and leather pants that had been brought for him, he wasn't sure how much he could trust Ten but he figured he didn't have much of a choice and dresses himself anyway. He takes off his shirt and looks over the white button up and black blazer, he puts on and tucks in the white shirt and as he put on the jacket he watched something fall out of the center of it.

No. Fucking. Way. Taeyong picked up the little black leather dog collar and inspected the small lime rhinestone dangling from the front of it in complete disbelief, there was no way Ten meant to make him wear a collar.

Finally the ten minutes were up and Ten knocks on the door once before he opens the door not a second later, he looks over Taeyong and smirks before his face falls cold again as his gaze rests on his prize's bare collar bones.

"There is no way you meant for me to wear this" Taeyong growls, he looked incredibly pissed off at the shorter.

Ten chuckles "What, not your color?" he asks tauntingly, his overall tone was that of someone teasing another but the glint in his grey eyes and the deep undertone in his voice dared Taeyong to refuse to wear the accessory.

Ten stalks forward, smoothly taking the collar from the other's hands and unbuckles it. He smirks as he trails his cool hands leisurely across the sides of Taeyong's warm neck and his smirk grows as he watches the boy visibly shiver and tense up beneath his touch.

He buckled the collar around the taller's neck and lets his cool hands linger there at his nape for a moment before pulling them away. He turns Taeyong around and straightens out the collar a bit so the rhinestone was resting at the base of Taeyong's throat. He almost groans with approval as he takes a step back to admire his work.

"Would you look at that" He says lowly his eyes traveling leisurely along Taeyong's body, enjoying how flustered the other was getting under his gaze "The Pawn has nearly upgraded himself to King with one little costume change"

Taeyong takes a moment to regain his composure and process Ten's words, once he does he snorts a bit "Does that make you the Queen?" he asks snarkily.

Ten chuckles knowing how odd his next words would sound "Why of course, haven't you ever played Chess?" with those words he beckons Taeyong to follow him out of the rooms and takes hold of the flustered and confused taller's elbow to steer him to the conference room.



Hello! This is the first chapter A/N I've done for this book so far, huh.

By the way, I burnt my hand on a pan today while cooking so typing hurts a little rn, so bare with my slow updates tonight. TT On the upside the burns look hilariously like a smirking face.

Anyway, I'm writing this note for two reasons, one to let y'all know that Imma do a double update because the meeting will probably run a too little long for me to fit it all into one chapter, and two to explain the Pawn/King/Queen thing cause people are bound to get confused about how I'm formatting this.

Okay, so basically if you know the rules of Chess you might have an idea of what Ten means when he says he's the Queen and Taeyong's the King. If you're thinking Ten's implying he's the 'female'/sub of the relationship you are incorrect, although he secretly loves cuddles he means quite the opposite. Even though in the real life middle ages the King was the strong one who protected his Queen and his kingdom, that is not the case with Chess.

The King piece is the one being protected. The King has a limited range of motion in Chess, only being able to move one space per turn at any side, similar to Taeyong's predicament, he is important and is meant to be protected but because of the protection he has he has a limited range of motion, he can't just go anywhere he pleases.

Where as Ten represents the Queen of a Chess game, he can go virtually anywhere just like the Queen piece. When he calls himself the Queen he refers to the fact that he is pretty much the main protector of the King, because as we know the Queen is the best piece in the game of Chess in either offence or defense.

It also means that Ten wants to assume this role for Taeyong, he wants to be Taeyong's Queen and Taeyong to be his King. It was pretty much a subtle confession that Ten was catching feelings for Taeyong that went way over his head, and probably most of yours too. ;)

So in summary Taeyong is the King because he has a limited range of motion and has to rely on Ten to protect him whether he knows it or not and Ten is the Queen because he is free to go almost anywhere at any time and he protects Taeyong.

Also, in Chess whoever's King is still standing in the end wins. Just a random fact.

I hope this note keeps the inevitable confusion at the King and Queen thing away. I'll have the next chapter up soon! Bye my krazies!~


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