Chapter 5

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Taeyong stood as proudly as he could in his sweaty suit top and skinny jeans. He hadn't changed before he had gone to visit GD and he was getting fidgety with the disgusting feeling of the sweat drying on his skin which made it crawl.

He still managed to look quite small beside the powerful leader who still had a tight grip on his arm. The pair stood in front of the assembled available members of the gang and Ten was busy debriefing them on how his prize had managed to land himself here and what it meant for the gang.

Ten smirks and he squeezes Taeyong's arm and says "This pretty little thing-" Taeyong glares at being called little for an uncountable amount of times that day "-is worth a King's Kingdom to us, so let's treat our prize well, yes?"

Johnny raises his hand with his brows furrowed "Isn't the expression 'King's ransom?" he asks dropping his hand back to his lap.

Ten chuckles deeply and his large mastiff looks up at the sound of amusement and makes a small noise of her own before dropping her head back down to the floor to comfortably watch her master and the sweet and salty smelling one beside him. "I said King's Kingdom because this one is worth much more than a ransom" Ten grins wolfishly "After all, he is the collateral for our own dear G-Dragon who has taken on his father's life debt to us"

The other members grin and whisper among each other excitedly, they remembered the life debt of GD's father, they had saved the man's life many times to the extent of losing a few of their own members, which had thrown the man into a nearly invaluable life debt to the gang as compensation for their gruesome losses. Now they had a way to get the money, even though they couldn't get their members back.

"Johnny," Ten barks getting the attention of the members once again "Take our prize to his room" he hands off Taeyong to the tall, still limping, man and Taeyong instantly sizes up the lanky male to find a way to hurt him just enough to get out of his hold and get away.

"Don't even try little one" Johnny chuckles deeply, his tone warning, "I'm much stronger than you think"

Taeyong pouts again and crosses his arms at being called little again, he also subtly itches at the crawling feeling that ran across the dirty skin of his arms, he needed to clean up soon or this might become an issue. "Tell that to the convicts you got shot by that night" He murmurs almost silently under his breath.

Johnny chuckles lowly either because he had heard Taeyong or at some perverse joke of his own and stop before a heavy metal door and swings it open to reveal the filthiest room Taeyong had ever laid eyes upon.

It looked a bit like an abandoned prison cell and Taeyong shivered and took shallow breaths just looking at the dust that hung in the air and, oh god, that blanket didn't just move did it??

"If you put me in that room I will kill myself before you even shut the door" Taeyong says, his body rigid with disgust and borderline fear at the filthy room.

"What's wrong pet, is the room not to your liking?" Ten's cold voice sounds from a few feet down the hall, Titan pads her way towards Taeyong and pokes her head into the dirty room, she very quickly recoils and snarls in disgust at Johnny and then turns to Ten and lets out a little informational whimper that told Ten that there really was something wrong with the room.

Ten quickly crosses the threshold and looks into the filthy prison cell. He scrunches his nose and looks at Johnny with an eyebrow raised, Johnny's eyes widened innocently as he looks at his leader, "What?" he appeals "Isn't he just a hostage?"

Ten sighs and withdraws his head from the room "Did you miss the part where I said we were to treat our prize well?" he questions pinching the bridge of his nose between a slender thumb and forefinger.

His head snaps over to Titan as she whimpers, she sounded almost distressed and he follows her gaze to the rigid figure of his catch. "Is there something wrong pet?" Ten asks an eyebrow raised but his tone as cool as ever. Titan wasn't known to pick up on others emotions well but she seemed to have very quickly recognized the scent of distress that was rolling off of the boy in waves.

"I-I'm fine" Taeyong stutters shaking himself lightly to try to fight his distress over the filth around him "I think I just need a shower" The boy became a little extra distressed upon realizing that he was about to have a panic attack about dirt in front of his incredibly hot, but incredibly dangerous kidnapper, a man he had just met, and a gigantic mastiff who could totally eat him if she wanted to and he was honestly silently willing her to do it.

Titan did something that surprised her master greatly, she butted her great head against Taeyong's thigh gently and whimpered softly and reassuringly until he moved his hand to stroke the soft, clean, short fur atop her head and she leaned gently into his hand and leg which comforted the distressed male a bit.

Taeyong looked up at a shook Ten who was watching his dog carefully and says "Take me to a clean room with a decent shower" He doesn't state it as a question even though if Ten wanted to he could take the demand as such due to the slight shivering still evident in the boy's voice.

"Johnny, grab him some clothes to change into after he showers and meet us at room block A-2" Ten says after tracing his gaze slowly up to Taeyong's.

Johnny looks a little shocked at his leader but nods and goes to retrieve the clothing anyway. Ten takes hold of Taeyong's forearm once more and leads him to a simple, clean and comfortable set of rooms that consisted of a bedroom that was decorated with soft brown and cream tones with small black accents, an office which held blue walls and a sandy colored desk, and a bathroom coated with white tiles and bronze accents with an intricate oak vanity and a large white luxurious tub with jets.

After Ten let Taeyong go he takes the sweatpants and t-shirt that Johnny had brought for his prize and tosses them to the boy "I believe this will suit you better" he says gesturing to the simplistic yet elegant rooms before he escorts Titan and Johnny out of them. He closes the door behind him and Taeyong sighs happily looking around the beautiful rooms before he makes a beeline for the shower and takes extra care scrubbing himself clean for hours.

Johnny stops Ten outside Taeyong's door and looks into his leader's eyes searching for an answer "Are you sure it's safe to keep him so close to you?" he asks lowly worrying over his leader.

Ten snorts "I'm not defenseless Johnny" he places a hand on his subordinate's shoulder and chuckles "Besides, I like to look at pretty things every once and a while."

And with that Ten winks and retires to his set of rooms directly across from Taeyong's, he closed the door behind Titan leaving a slightly speechless and definitely confused Johnny standing outside.

Ten rounds on Titan who had jumped onto his plush black sheeted bed "What the hell was that Ti" he grumbles, referring to how Titan had reacted to Taeyong's emotions.

Titan just makes a chuffing noise that sounded suspiciously like a laugh and looks at her master with her large, innocent, dark eyes.

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