Chapter 11

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After fastening the collar around the taller's neck Ten crosses to the other side of the room and opens the door for the redhead.

Taeyong walks out of the room with Titan by his side "What a gentleman" he mutters under his breath with an almost sarcastic edge to his tone.

Ten chuckles as he closes the door "My line of work may not be lawful pet but I still have my manners."

Taeyong scrunches up his nose to show his disagreement before responding questioningly "What happened to the nickname 'King'?"

Ten chuckles lowly and smirks at the older as he leads him down the halls "Would you prefer I called you My King? You would have to accept me as and call me Your Queen for me to do that and we aren't quite there yet pretty one, besides you look much more like a Baby boy today so I may just have to start calling you that, yes?"

Taeyong choked a little on his saliva as he searched for the correct words and frantically fought to keep down the red tint that was threatening to wash over his features. "I won't let you call me Baby boy unless I have to call you Daddy and I'm definitely not doing that"

Ten chuckles "Daddy has a nice ring to it though, especially coming from those pretty lips of yours" he shoots back with teasing thoughtfulness "But I see we are at an impasse, I will not call you My King because you won't call me Your Queen and I will also not call you Baby boy because you won't call me Daddy, so we'll just have to settle for the nickname 'Pet' and you will have to continue calling me Ten"

Taeyong really didn't want to respond and embarrass himself further so he simply nodded as Ten opened a door revealing a room filled with security monitors and assorted gadgets.

"You two decent?" Ten asks teasingly as he looked directly at the pair of techies that were sharing Winwin's favorite chair, even though there was another chair just across from the pair, it remained vacant in favor of their cuddling. Ten chuckles "Did you both not hear the meeting? Our client wanted Taeyong back innocent, not tainted by your PDA"

Yuta looks up from his place cuddled on Winwin's lap as the other worked and gave Taeyong a once over before fixing his eyes on the little green jewels that adorned the black collar around his neck "I don't think we are the ones putting his innocence in danger" he comments looking from the jewels to Ten.

Taeyong touches the collar around his neck in slight confusion, he had already begun to grow fond of the feeling of the accessory around his neck but he couldn't help but wonder what kind of meaning it held.

Ten rolls his eyes slightly "You know just as well as I do that these sorts of accessories don't mean a thing until there is a mutual agreement between the person wearing it and the person who had put it on them, for now it's just a meaningless piece of jewelry which happens to look nice on him"

Yuta snorts quietly, "Meaningless my ass" Winwin mutters, Yuta nods lightly to show his agreement with his lover "You know exactly what meaning it has when other people see it, I honestly thought you had given up on things like this"

Taeyong looks lost and looks at Ten before turning his gaze back to Yuta. "Anyway" Ten coughs "We aren't here to talk about fashion choices, I'm taking Taeyong out on a walk to stretch his legs, he has hardly moved from his rooms since he has gotten here, I might as well show him the areas he's allowed to explore and the people he might see while he's with us"

Yuta just nods "We've met before, I was the one who drove you here, I'm Yuta and this is my boyfriend Winwin" he introduces "We are in charge of the technology and Intel" Winwin nods and gives Tae a friendly wave which was carefully returned.

"I remember you" Taeyong nods straight faced "You're the one who called me Ten's Boy-toy"

Yuta chortled "Oh yeah I did do that didn't I"

Winwin shakes his head slightly at his Baby's behavior and turns back to his work, giving Ten the signal that they weren't to be bothered anymore. Yuta places his head beneath Win's chin where it had been before they had been interrupted and he watches the screen his boyfriend was working on, adding his own suggestions on the project every once and awhile.

Ten takes the hint and leads Taeyong out of the room by his gentle hold on the boy's wrist. He closes the door behind him and lets go of Tae "Alright Pet, sitting room/briefing room or break room next" he asks aloud as he gets to an intersection in the halls.

After a moment's deliberation Taeyong chooses the sitting room under the pretense that there would be less people, but as they approach the room the noise coming from it proved him quite wrong "How many people live here?" He questions with a wince.

Ten thinks for a moment before responding "17 people live in this location if we include you pet" he hums as they walk into the large open room Ten had first introduced him to the members in when he had first arrived.

Taeyong looks around and notices a few things he hadn't when he had previously been in the room; One the ceiling of the large room went up two levels and ended in a slightly vaulted top with a large skylight in the center of it and two that periodically the walls of the pair of balconies that marked the different levels were dotted by doors that had names scrawled across them.

As Taeyong marveled at the levels of the room he noticed an elevator that ran through the center of the balconies, splitting them into two sides, each side having stairs that lead down a level at their ends. Tae let his eyes follow the banisters of the stairs to their ends to find that they ended smoothly at either side of a large fireplace that was surrounded by plush, covered couches and chairs and a large wheeled whiteboard and projector.

The white board was rolled in front of the fireplace and an excited boy was busily drawing a game of hangman on it in black marker as another 5 males sat around him on the couches. Tae recognized the form of the boy and giggles quietly remembering how the boy had looked slung over Ten's shoulders the first time he had caught a glimpse of the gang he was now staying with.

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