Chapter 6

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Taeyong was sitting at the edge of the plush bed, it was the early morning and he had only managed a bit of sleep as he recalls the events of the day before, his legs were hanging off the side and his head was drooped, he wasn't wearing a shirt as he found the combination of the baggy sweatpants combined with the large shirt too much.

He hears a little wolf whistle behind him and turns stiffly to see Ten in a pair of light grey sweatpants and a tight fitting black t-shirt leaning against the empty door frame with Titan poking her head in by his waist, she was panting happily as she looked at Taeyong, Ten decided not to comment on her behavior and instead smoothly speaks to the oh so delicious looking boy who had turned so stiffly to look at him "That is quite the sight to see so early in the morning" He easily let his eyes wanted down the redheads well built form, from his scrunched abs to his delectable collar bones.

Taeyong looks down tiredly at his bare torso and sighs, he throws on the large t-shirt, which didn't do much for covering his collarbones as the too big v-neck nearly hung off of one shoulder. Ten tosses an apple and a closed container full of freshly made scrambled eggs with a fork onto the bed beside Taeyong "Breakfast for the pawn" He hums.

Titan pads into the bedroom noticing that the sweet smell she had noticed the day before was a bit stronger now and pinned it down as the tall new human's natural scent which contrasted greatly to her master's more spicy scent. She sniffles around Taeyong's feet as she deducts this and ends her investigation with a lopsided smile that only she could pull off with her tongue lolling out from between her jaws.

Taeyong looks tiredly at the food "M' not hungry but thanks" He says in his soft yet gravely morning voice.

Ten licks his lips at the sound of the ever more wonderful voice of the boy in front of him and composes himself before responding "Are you insulting my cooking?" with a teasing sneer and a tone of amusement and feigned hurt.

Taeyong snorts "I would hardly call scrambled eggs cooking but either way I'm not hungry and I'm definitely not accepting food from you the day after you fucking kidnapped me" his tone was laced with annoyance and aggression.

Ten chuckles lowly "That's fair enough but I'm not sure if we can call it 'fucking kidnapping' seeing as you oh so easily came along when I brought you here." he smirks teasingly and finally enters the room completely to take the food away, the takes the dish of scrambled eggs but places the apple on the nightstand just in case, he whistles shortly to Titan who was still sitting before the redhead "Come my dear, it seems the pretty one doesn't want us around" he coos comfortingly as he leads a somber Titan out of Taeyong's rooms closing the door and leaving the taller alone with his thoughts.

Ten glares at Titan after the door had closed between him and the pretty boy in the other room "Traitor" he hisses before he goes back to his rooms and blockading himself in his office in his set of personal rooms to do some work, he allows his mind to wander to Taeyong's figure beneath that shirt, for sure his little pet was very strong and nicely muscled but there was something off about how well defined his ribs were even when he was so scrunched up like he had been. Ten wasn't necessarily bothered by this, though what he was quite bothered by was what monster from the depths of hell had dared to cause those pale marks that Ten had spotted across his pretty creature's torso.

Titan growls lowly warning her master to focus right before there was a knock on the office door. He calls for the intruders to enter and finds himself faced by Winwin with a Yuta still attached closely beside him, it was obvious that the mission that Ten had sent Winwin on alone was much too long for Yuta's needy hormones.

"What can I do for you tech heads" Ten says averting his gaze from the papers he had begun straightening in his hands in an attempt to appear as if he had been busy with his work.

"Jiyong is here to meet with you over the demands you have in regards to the payments he has to make to us, but he demands that the collateral be present at the meeting" Winwin says professionally even though he was unprofessionally half clinging to his Yuta.

Ten nods "Send him to the conference room and find some more presentable clothes for the pretty boy based on the clothes he came here in and send them to me, I will make sure he gets them"

Winwin and Yuta both raise an eyebrow at the mention of their leader taking the clothes to the hostage himself instead of just having them sent to the boy.

Ten chuckles "Think nothing of it you two, my pet has been a bit testy so far this morning but has taken a mutual liking to my dear Titan, so I will use her to put him at ease with these situations until he is used to them"

Winwin and Yuta nod slowly and leave Ten to his work. He sighs and runs his slim hands over his face before pushing them through his hair. He stands and goes to change into a suit and get himself mentally prepared for the headache of a meeting that awaited him.

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