Chapter 10

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Taeyong blinked his eyes open from his sleep and was met with the bristles of the black fur of Titan's back near enough to poke at his eyes. So he blinked a few times to get the bristles out of them and shifts his face away from her fur a bit so it wasn't so hazardous.

He removed his arm slowly from around her torso and gently removed his other arm from beneath her head as he carefully sat up on the plush mattress of the bed he was to consider his.

Titan lifts her head and looks balefully at the bare chested male beside her and whines, she was wondering where he was going, it was dim and comfortable in the room and she was very happy cuddling with the boy, which she would never reveal to her master.

He gave her a small, gentle smile that held a sweet, gentle, and calm emotion within it that didn't meet with the turmoil that she could see swirling behind his eyes. "It's okay girl," he responded with a quiet, tired tone. "I'm not going anywhere, I just need to sit up to think for a little while" he murmured pleasantly placing his warm hand on her warmer side in comfort.

Titan rolled so she was no longer laying on her side and she crawls to lie beside him, resting her head against his thigh. He absentmindedly plays with her ears and strokes down the fur of her back as he thinks deeply about the previous day's events.

As he thought he went from questioning the meaning of the collar that Ten had gotten him to wear and the tender look the shorter male had given him while placing it around his neck to why Jiyong would have lied to Ten and him.

Taeyong looked at the collar that was still laying on his bedside table where he had placed it after taking it off and he sighs, rubbing his tired face roughly in his hands, as if to scrub away the jumble of feelings and confusion that came with the interview of his sunbae.

He sits with his chin in his hands, elbows rested on his thighs and gaze blankly fixed upon the shades of the window before him for quite some time.

He later hears a quiet knock followed by an "I hope you're decent, I've brought you a peace offering" which was said as Ten carefully opened the door, a change of clothes for Taeyong over one arm and a tray of food in his hands.

The boss notices the lack of reaction from the red head and scowls slightly, he was making an effort to ease the situation of the other, the least he could do was play along. "You know ba- boy, it's rude to ignore people" he comments as he approaches the bed and places the tray carefully on the table and the clothes at the end of the bed.

Taeyong turns to look at Ten, his eyes tired and his bare torso slouched "Thanks," he looks at the tray of food then back at Ten "I'm not hungry though"

Ten sighs, calming his anger that was flaring at the pale marks that were visible across the other's torso and reaction to the food. "You haven't eaten anything but an apple since you got here two days ago, and you puked that up, so I'm not leaving until you eat this entire tray, I will personally spoon feed you if you won't do it yourself"

Taeyong looked him straight in the eye and notes that the shorter was in no way joking about the food and sighs "I'll just get rid of it the same way I did with the apple" he says quietly and reluctantly he didn't really want to tell Ten this, he just figured it was better Ten didn't waste his efforts.

"No, you won't, because I'm not going to let you, whether I have to force you to keep it down or not, this meal is not coming back up the way it went down." Ten responds firmly taking the tray and stabilizing it between him and the redhead and gesturing for the other to pick up either the chopsticks or spoon to eat the breakfast of toast, a large helping of a beefy breakfast soup, and a tall glass of milk.

"I won't be able to eat all of this" Taeyong confides as he picks up a piece of toast and nibbles on it slowly, his stomach making loud noises of disapproval at the sloth like qualities of his eating.

Ten nods "That's fair, but you will still have to eat at least half of what is here" he responds firmly, there was no way his beautiful prize was going to get away with starving himself to death under Ten's care, if things were to go the way he wanted then the red head would even gain a few much needed pounds.

Titan watches her master care for the sweet smelling one with a sense of confused pride. It was odd for her master to be this forwardly caring, even with his own members to whom he often just made offhanded comments reminding the others to take care of themselves, but she watched with pride anyway as he took care of the tall gentle one.

Taeyong slowly ate a little under a half of the meal under Ten's watchful gaze before Ten had deemed that he had eaten enough, after all it wouldn't be good to force him to eat too much after having eaten nothing for quite a while.

Ten pulled the food away from the stuffed taller and gestured to the clothes on the edge of the bed "Why don't you clean yourself up and I'll give you a bit of a tour as well as introduce you to the members who you might interact with."

Taeyong nods slowly, a bit confused at the treatment Ten was giving him, he was honestly a bit on edge about it but took the clothes and went to his shower anyway, remembering to lock the bathroom door behind him before he strips and steps under the warm water.

Ten watched as the older went into the bathroom, obviously enjoying the view of the retreating man before the door closes.

Titan whines quietly at her master to gain his attention and she looks ever so guilty as she moves a bit towards him wondering if he was upset with her for leaving him behind for the night.

Ten sighs and beckons for her to come to him and he chuckles quietly as she enthusiastically rolled over the sheets to him and happily licked his hand as she curled up beside him.

He pets the fur of her belly and plays with her ears just the way she liked it and hums quietly "It's alright my dear, if I were you I would have preferred to spend the night by his side as well"

She whined quietly feeling his exhaustion through his words. He had truthfully not slept well without her by his side that night but he couldn't blame her for wanting to make their beautiful guest feel better in his moments of distress.

A few minutes later a wet haired Taeyong emerges from the bathroom, fully dressed in the faded blue skinny jeans and the over sized black sweater that Ten had brought for him, however he was glaring lightly at Ten as he held another black collar in his outstretched hand, this collar was studded with a few pale green crystals periodically across the front of it like small stars.

"Another one?" He asks incredulously as Ten smirked and approached to place the collar around the taller's neck just like he had done the day before with the other black collar.

"You will get used to them pet"

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