Chapter 35

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The blue boss' hair tousles in the breeze as he watches from above, the green flares of his subordinates gradually filling in a wobbly circle in the gaps between streets leading to the rival complex he was perched atop.

The delicate silence of his observation was soon interrupted as Mark comments on the final flare being lit.

"You know, if we bunched them all up it would look like a patch of grass" he comments obnoxiously, moving past his leader toward his station over the Southern wall of the complex.

Winwin snorts quietly behind them as he lights his own green flare to signal the gang to extinguish theirs and raises it high above his head.

"Shut the fuck up" Ten growls, mobilizing to scale down the building with another gang member to the North facing entrance "Now is not the goddamn time" and with that he disappeared with his subordinate down the edge of the building.

Mark snickers and leads the gang member he was paired with down the Southern wall towards his entrance. And after watching the other two Winwin extinguishes his flare and he and his assignment make their way down the Western wall to their own destination.

Once they had all hit the ground the three activate their comms for Jisung and Yuta and head inside, leaving their companions outside the doors as directed.

Once inside Jisung and Yuta traded off monitoring and guiding the three members through the mazes of halls and rooms within the complex.

"It's like a fortress in here" Mark mumbles to Jisung through his comm "I'd get lost in a second without directions"

Jisung sighs quietly into his mic "I know you would Hyung, take a left" he responds before the quiet click of him disconnecting from Mark to go give directions to a different member sounded in Mark's ear.

Mark takes the left with a frown "I think I just got dissed by a kid" he mumbles under his breath.

Yuta monitors his Winwin as he makes his way down a North directed corridor, "Take a right at the next cross in the halls"

Winwin hums quietly in acknowledgement of the directions and begins to walk with more of a purpose as he now knew his next move.

He turns the corner and comes face to face with a duo of rival gang members, he instantly draws his pistol and aims it at the pair, not bothering to attempt to blend in after seeing the two's surprised faces.

"Win, what happened, why did you freeze?" Yuta's voice buzzes worriedly into his ear through his comm.

Winwin kept his eyes trained on the pair in front of him who seemed to have realized the situation and slowly raised their hands to show they were empty and that they had no intentions for reaching for the guns holstered at their hips "I've got a pair of rivals in front of me, my gun is drawn and their hands are up" Win murmurs to his comm.

"Are you here for him?" the rival member on the left asks tentatively.

The one on the right widens his eyes slightly at his companion then returns his gaze to Winwin "Taeyong was right" he murmurs, loud enough for the comment to drift to Winwin's attentive ears.

His gun dips "Yuta, connect me to Taeil" he requests quietly, he looks the man on the right in the eyes "Right about what?" he snarls.

As he asks his question Taeil's voice crackles through his comm "What do you need Winwin"

Before responding to Taeil he listens to the members short explanation "Taeyong told us someone would come" the left one murmured.

Win keeps his eyes trained on the two shocked gang members in front of him "Give me a description of the three gang members you were telling us about after the briefing"

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