Chapter 2

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Taeyong's eyes fluttered open slowly from his sleep, he sees a small flash of blue outside his window and he frowns. He wonders what it could have been and sits up slightly to peer out his window to see such a gruesome scene that he blinks tightly a few times to clear his eyes to make sure it was real.

Taeyong gasps lightly at the sight as he realizes it was, he sees a dark sticky substance coated and splattered all over the alley in the orange streetlight, he sees two bodies crumpled against each other, one didn't seem to have much of a head from the look of the pieces splattered around it and the other looked pretty much intact.

He was so focused on the bodies he almost didn't notice the massive black dog who jumped out of a black van and made a quick beeline towards a familiar shade of blue, almost, but he didn't, he watched as the beast of a dog snuffled around its master and the shape on his back.

Taeyong found himself wishing the odd man would turn to look at him before his attention was averted by a rather tall limping form supporting himself on another. It takes Taeyong a moment to realize that these men were all also caked in the sticky blood that was on the walls.

He would have looked further into the limping male's features but out of the corner of his eye he sees the blue haired person turn to reveal the ethereal face of a well muscled man who didn't seem to be much older than Taeyong, in fact, if he could tear his gaze away from the beautiful blue haired male, he would see that everyone standing was around his own age.

As Taeyong admired the blue haired man he looks down from his face a bit to finally notice what he had slung over his shoulder, a body?? Taeyong frowns, the body had to be of someone that blue hair knew, or maybe knows? He wasn't quite sure but he found himself watching longingly as the strange men load themselves into the black van with the large dog and drive off into the night as if they hadn't even been there.

He definitely wasn't going to sleep now, with the blue haired man's face etched into his mind as if the most perfect picture had been painted there for only him to see. He let himself watch as silent black cars rolled up and policemen got out, their leader did not look happy as he saw the blown to bits bodies in the alley corner, in fact it looked as though the leader of the operation was cursing someone's name under his breath as he supervised his comrades containing the bodies in bags and putting them into the back car.

They took a few samples before Taeyong watched as they too disappeared into the darkness around the corner of his building, leaving a bloody mess behind that made the boy shiver, he absolutely hated messes.

Finally as the last lights from the cop cars receded Taeyong sat back and recalled blue hair, determined to never forget that face, but he also couldn't help but wonder what the hell happened down there and what kind of man blue hair was.

He checked the clock to see 5 am and sighs, he rolls himself out of bed instead of taking the next few hours to rest he grabs clothes to dance in and heads to the shower, he felt dirty from watching such a filthy scene unfold and he scrubs his skin roughly to relieve himself of the feeling.

After an hour of scrubbing his own skin raw he gingerly leaves the shower and dries himself before he dresses and goes to find something to eat.

~Little Time skip~

Taeyong found himself in a familiar position sprawled out once more on the cool dance room floor, Taeil stood over his tired figure and grins "You're all ready for the performance tomorrow" he says enthusiastically helping Taeyong to his feet.

Taeyong nods gratefully to his teacher and does a little tired cheer. Taeil laughs lightly and helps Taeyong gather up his things before sending him on his way.

Taeyong takes yet another shower and drops into the ratty blankets of his sunken bed in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts and sighs, tomorrow he would perform as a backup dancer for Bigbang, probably the biggest job of his young life so far.

Little did he know more than a few things were going to be thrown out of whack because of what he had seen that night.

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