Chapter 27

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*There are 22k of y'all holy crapㅜㅜ I wanna do something for y'all but I don't want to reveal too much about the plot so I'm gonna do an Author Q&A In the next chapter!(meaning no new chapters until I have the Q&A done, so be sure to send lots of questions!^^)
If you have any questions for me, random, just for fun, or serious please ask!
You can put them right here ^^*
*Sorry the chapter is so short but it's got lots of information and Taeyongie's parts are meant to be more like little glimpses^^'*

Taeyong shivers slightly as he remembers the lies Jiyong had told and the cold, calculative look in the older's eyes during the meeting all those weeks ago. He hisses quietly hoping to indicate the older to be quiet, after all, he didn't quite know the range of the mics that were 'hidden' around the room.

"I'm Jiyong, we might as well get to know each other, I mean we are linked together for now, chain-linked in fact." GD didn't even seem to hear the subtle hint the red head had sent him and continues at the same obnoxious volume, awarding himself a dry laugh for his own joke.

Taeyong wishes he could give a snort of laughter at his Hyung's lame attempt at trying to get him to speak but he holds his tongue. He was hoping that his silence would discourage the elder from speaking.

But, of course, nothing short of a rather loud scolding could discourage the older so Jiyong continued on his tangent, trying to get his mysterious companion in captivity to speak and at least keep him company. As he spoke he got closer and closer to revealing certain secrets before Taeyong finally was forced to intervene.

"Kwon Jiyong you better shut the hell up before you get our asses killed" he snarls as quietly as he could while still being effective, shrinking down where he sits and turning his head towards the hole in the wall so as to keep his words from traveling too close to the receiver of the closest mic.

There was an electric silence for a moment. Before Jiyong spoke up again, this time much more hesitant and quiet, obviously shaken by his revelation of knowing his partner in the insanity of the mostly plain white rooms "Tae?"

Taeyong didn't speak, desperately hoping his rambling Hyung would have been discouraged by his lack of response, especially after his initial threat.

"Tae what the hell are you doing down here, I thought T-"

"Jiyong I thought I told you to shut the hell up" Taeyong snarls again, this time with more force than the last, fearfully knowing that his Hyung would be questioned later about him. He also knew he himself was bound to be questioned soon especially after this encounter. "You're going to get both of us killed" he murmurs careful to keep his voice as low as possible "I'm only here because I helped one of their unwilling operatives escape, they don't know anything more and I'm going to keep it that way, I swear I'll kill you myself if they find out any more than that."

"You got Taeil out?" Jiyong asks his voice low, finally having caught the hint to quiet down, but obviously not the hint to shut up "You're sure that's all they know?"

Taeyong makes a quiet noise of confirmation but then frowns softly "How do you know Taeil?" He asks quietly, his voice soft as he asks about his Hyungie, knowing the dance instructor hadn't been mentioned between him and his Hyung until this point.

"You already knew I lied about being a part of a gang" Jiyong says softly almost hesitating to speak, his voice carried the muted weight of shame "This was my father's gang, I was in charge of the active prisoners. I knew Taeil well, he was the only one who never struggled, even so we could never get anything out of him. He was incredible, we would try to question him and he would turn the questions on us and even get an answer once and awhile. So we tried to send him out and let him build some sort of relationship to use against him"

Taeyong was struck silent for a moment at this information and kneads at his right palm with his thumb absentmindedly as he processes and catalogs the newfound knowledge, causing him to completely reevaluate his perception of his Hyung. Once he recovers he makes an effort to smile slightly "From what I know of my Hyungie that sounds about right" he murmurs, a gradual seed of pride swelling in his chest at the praises for the freed gang member. "If this is your gang," he murmurs a curious tone in his voice, realizing just how odd a situation this was "Why are you chained up down here?"

Jiyong chuckles quietly "Funny story" he hums softly, sounding sheepish, he takes a deep breath within his pause before he starts his story "I never told my gang about you, the members are rather ruthless, even, no, especially, to their leader. Even in the beginning they didn't think I'd be strong enough to lead them effectively, they ar- were always searching for a reason to challenge me for my role. So, I guess long story short, when they found me taking money from the gang's deals and general income they didn't hesitate for a second to accuse me of embezzlement and throw me down here. Which is sort of ironic if you think about it" he offers a dry apologetic laugh for his final sentence and the story's contents.

Taeyong sighs "That's not a funny story Hyung, I know that money would have been to get me back" he murmurs his tone hardening and sharpening itself as he speaks quietly "I know you want what's best for me, you have since I was a kid, but I think it's time you let me go, I was perfectly content to live the rest of my life within Ten's gang, hell I still would be if I ever get back there, the money would have only freed me to have a choice"

"I can't just stop watching over you Tae, especially now, especially here. I swore to Auntie and Uncle I would protect you always, especially when they weren't protecting you anymore" Jiyong mutters guiltily, his voice seeming to mold and shrink away from Taeyong's sharp tone, but remained solid in it's conviction nevertheless.

"Dammit Jiyong I'm an adult" Taeyong snarls, almost too loud before he reigns in his volume and emotions to continue in a quiet angry hiss "I can protect myself, I'll be okay, my Father is dead, and my Mother is nowhere to be found, neither of them are close enough to hurt me anymore. I've been in contact with my Aunt and Uncle and they are well."

There was a long silence before Jiyong's voice shivers through the air, so thick with anxiety and distress in tone Taeyong felt like he could reach out and hold the treacherous words in his hands

"Our mother is here Taeyongie" Jiyong murmurs softly, his voice wavering and hesitating on the bombshell truth.

Taeyong's mind instantly rejects the information as violently as his stomach had rejected the apple from one of his first days within Ten's home. "What, What do you mean our mother is here" he stutters, his voice dangerously soft, wavering as it passes through his lips and he gives a soft mirthless laugh, which in itself was scarier than the time he had scolded the members of NCT, which felt almost like a year ago to the redhead dancer. "Sure I call you 'Hyung' Jiyong, but that doesn't mean we're really siblings"

"Tae this isn't a joke. Our mother is here, within this very complex, as soon as she hears that you're here there's going to be hell to pay and as soon as she realizes why I was stealing money I'm afraid we are both going to wish we were dead"

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