Chapter 18

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*We're nearly at 4K ㅜㅜ*

Ten sighs and lowers his head, rubbing his temples with his thumbs and forefingers. All around him the living room was complete chaos, three(Chenle, Jaemin, and Haechan) of the youngest members were chasing Titan while Jisung tried to shepard her to another room where they couldn't get to her. Doyoung, Jungwoo, Lucas, Renjun and Jeno were playing 'Hello Cleopatra' and getting increasingly louder instead of higher pitched. Mark, Jaehyun, Johnny and Kun were sitting on the only two couches that weren't flipped over and were facing each other and giggling loudly as they held a dad/dirty joke contest amongst themselves.

Unlike per-usual Winwin and Yuta were also participating in the jokes contest though, usually they remained hidden away in their tech room. The only two missing from this massive family gathering was Taeil, who hadn't made it back yet and Taeyong who was hopefully napping.

Abruptly the whole room fell to silence and every head turned to the entrance of the hall. There stood an exhausted Taeyong wearing nothing but some grey sweatpants, a thick, pale green, soft, silk choker and a small, soft, ash grey blanket over his shoulders, he looked terrifying via his toned muscles from dance that rippled under his honey skin and the angry, exhausted glare that masked his puppy like features. The only thing that could have really taken away from his anger was his nappy hair, obviously the man had been involuntarily woken from his sleep by all of the noise.

He places his hands on his hips as he sweeps his glaring, redish, coffee colored gaze across the room at the frozen members "What. The. Fuck." he snarls looking absolutely furious with the scattered members.

Everyone glances at Ten who was on the ledge of the fireplace just watching Taeyong warily. Tae locks eyes with the leader and tilts his head before jerking up an eyebrow and slowly raising his hand to crook a finger at him, it was a silent order for the mob boss to come to him.

The members look shocked as Ten submits to the other's murderous gaze and goes to stand by the taller's side, as he passes by Titan she unfreezes and follows to stand beside the pair.

"I better see those couches picked up and your asses seated on them in 1 minute" Taeyong snarls, being relatively lenient as there were so many of them.

They stare at him in fear for a moment as they process his direction before they each run as quickly as they could to the closest couch, they all order the couches into a neat curve towards the fire place and with minimal scuffling they fill up the couches.

Taeyong stalks to the fireplace, his blanket falling off his shoulders as he goes and Titan gently picks it up between her jaws as she and Ten follow behind him, Ten didn't bother trying to look like the leader as he followed Taeyong, the other members honestly couldn't blame him as their eyes carefully followed the angry red head.

Taeyong stands before them all "Alright you crazy Bastards, I understand wanting to have fun but for fucks sake don't shake the entire fucking building with your antics, you're the goddamn NCT mafia, you dumb bitches are the top members of the most feared gang in Korea. People aren't meant to be able to drive past your base and hear you screaming 'Hello Cleopatra' and laughing maniacally about a random dirty joke for fucks sake" he snarled glaring at each of the kicked puppy looking members.

Taeyong sighs and looks at the clock, he instantly brightens up as he sees the time and he turns to the members with a bright smile "Dinner time!" he says brightly, his now puppy like happiness a complete 360 from his previous murderous rage. He chuckles softly to himself knowing the effect of his change of heart, which only made him look crazier in the eyes of the members. "I'll make you guys some ramyeon and dumplings" he announces smiling and clapping his hands together like a cheesy mother figure in some movie, he turns to Ten and smiles sweetly "Come help?" he asks as he reaches slightly down to pet Titan.

The other members could only see half of his face while he looked at Ten, his smile got a little wider and he winked discreetly at Ten. The leader chuckles and nods once before leading Taeyong off to the kitchen.

Once the pair were gone the members erupted into a chorus of confused questions for one other. Meanwhile once in the kitchen Taeyong grabs the edge of the island as he laughs at the reactions of the gang members "NCT's strongest my ass" he splutters.

Ten chuckles "In their defense you really did look ready to kill someone"

"How else was I going to get those headasses to shut up" Taeyong giggles as he grabs the ingredients for the food.

Ten hums in resigned agreement as he looks over Taeyong's exposed torso, he licks his lips subconsciously and looks back up at his King's face, "You know you could have put a shirt on"

Taeyong looks down at his bare torso and shrugs, he was warm enough as he stood beside the stove where he was boiling water for the ramyeon and dumplings.

Soon the food is completed and Taeyong calls in a few members to help him and Ten carry out the large servings. Once the food was all set out on the table and the members had taken their places around the large table a few longing looks were spared for the empty seat between Johnny and Taeyong before everyone gave in to Taeyong's urging and dug in, taking as large of servings as they dared, it wasn't often someone cooked a meal for all of them to share.

Throughout the meal there were many compliments to Taeyong about his wonderful cooking which led the redhead to be much more cheerful and interact better with the members, though it also lead to him being more lenient of the boys table side antics.

Food stolen off of plates from every which way and bets and tauntings made over the family meal. Either way the meal went smoothly and each member ate their fill.

Once the meal was complete each member from youngest to the pair that made the meal filed into the kitchen to clean their dishes and place them in their proper places, after they had completed the task each member thanked Taeyong for the meal once more before they went off to curl up in their warm beds for the night as it had been quite the late dinner.

Once the last of the members had gone off to bed Ten handed Taeyong a crystal glass of red wine and clinked his own glass against it "Here's to scaring the shit out of the kids and a successful family dinner" he toasts with a chuckle before he sips on his alcohol. Taeyong joins in on the other's amusement as he takes a sip from his own glass.

Soon enough after about an hour later, after story upon story of the member's antics, the entire bottle of wine was gone and Taeyong was feeling quite tipsy, even after the filling meal. Taeyong hardly ever drank and was quite the light weight.

Taeyong shivered slightly at the pleasant buzzing sensation that shivered through his body, making his fingers and toes tingle and his mind fuzzy "Queenie~" he hums, a lazy smile gracing his features.

Ten chuckles lowly "My King~" he taunts, a soft amused smirk rested on his lips as he imitated the drunken redhead.

Taeyong pouts and tugs on the cuff of Ten's pearl grey, fitted long sleeve shirt "Queenie~ Why are the kids so naughty?" he slurs "They'll get in trouble"

"You're right My King" the perfectly sober boss agreed gently lacing an arm around Taeyongs slim waist as he began to lead the buzzed redhead toward his room. "I'll make sure to talk to them about it alright Pet?"

Taeyong nods childishly and gasps as Ten's cold hand rested against the warm skin of his side just above the waistband of his sweatpants that hung low on his hips. He lets out a low whine and wiggles his hips in protest to the cold feeling.

Ten purses his lips as the quiet whine reaches his ears, he tightens his grip on the other's waist for a moment before lowering his hand a bit to rest on the fabric of the sweatpants, dangerously close to the redhead's ass.

As the blue haired leader guides the red haired King to his rooms and onto his bed he gently responds to a reasures the other about his complaints about 'the kids'. Ten chuckles quietly and tucks the red head in, he raises his arm slightly to place it in Taeyong's line of vision and raises his eyebrow, still attached to the sleeve of his shirt was Taeyong's hand.

"Stay Queenie~" The sleepy boy hums his eyes already drooping and his grip loosening.

Ten chuckles and pulls the others hand from his sleeve. The redhead frowns as he hears nothing after losing contact with the blue haired male. The sleepy smile returns to his face as he feels the other side of the bed slowly sink down under the other's weight.

As Ten settles himself beneath the blankets, turned away from the drunk redhead, because after all he was a gentleman, Taeyong squirmed his way closer to the warm other and cuddles himself into Ten's back, the top of his head resting against the place between the other's strong shoulders, his hands holding the fabric of his shirt at his lower back and his legs curled up so his knees were against the skin of the mob boss's upper thighs.

Taeyong sighs happily as completes his mission of cuddling into this position and he drifts slowly off to dreamland, his soft snores filling the air of the silent room.

Ten sighs softly and mumbles quietly to himself as he listens to the other

"What a weakness to have"

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