Chapter 4

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"Thanks pretty boy" Ten chuckles "You're quite the treat for the eyes yourself,"

Taeyong instantly flushes and looks down at his feet, he refused to look up to meet the eyes of his purple haired friend or his newfound blue haired kidnapper, whom he had just praised.

Ten grips the red head firmly but not roughly on the forearm and sneers a little at GD who could do nothing but gawk at his idiotic, but endangered friend as he was torn away from him. "I'll need your first installment by next month" Ten warns "Or pretty boy is mine for good" Ten snarls suggestively looking from GD's panicked face to Taeyong's rather delectable looking throat.

That was the last GD had seen of Taeyong as the flustered and panicked younger was dragged out of the dressing room by his arm. GD sank down into the plush couch behind him and leaned forward, dropping his head into his hands as the panicked yet trusting face of Taeyong burned itself into the inside of his eyelids.

The older knew that he had a lot, he was very fortunate, but he also knew that even if he sent himself bankrupt by giving Ten all of his money he would only have payed off around half of what his wretched father owed to the mafia gang.

As for Ten, he was triumphantly smirking as he loaded his prize into the van. A very confused 'getaway' driver, Yuta, watched on before locking the doors behind his leader and his prize.

Ten chuckles when he finally turns from his catch to look at Yuta's lost expression, he gestures for Yuta to go and Yuta obeys hoping for an explanation on their way home.

"So honey how was work" Yuta teases trying to get a bit of information from the boss.

Ten chuckles and looks back at Taeyong again who was sitting cross legged buckled into the floor of the van, as there weren't really any back seats with all of the equipment, and his arms crossed as well as he glowered childishly at his captor. All of this Ten had to admit was quite cute.

"I got us some pretty little collateral for the money that Mr. G-Dragon owes us" Ten hums with the air of someone who had just simply described what he had bought for this week's groceries.

"I'm taller than you you know" Grumbled the flustered and frustrated redhead from the back "Technically I should be the one calling you little"

Yuta hears this retort and barks loudly with laughter "You're new boy-toy has some attitude, I like it"

Ten chuckles good naturedly but there was a threatening undertone lurking beneath the deep sound that sent shivers down Taeyong's spine. "You better not let Winwin hear you say that"

Yuta snorts "I don't know where you sent him but he hasn't been back for a week, he hasn't heard anything, and frankly neither have I"

Ten's sneaky smirk doesn't falter with the news, but the van falls silent as Yuta worries over his Winwin, Taeyong definitely didn't feel like talking and Ten simply didn't have anything to say.

Yuta soon pulls into their driveway and sighs, he runs a hand through his hair before shutting off and exiting the vehicle. Ten unloads Taeyong from the back of the van, tightly holding the redhead's forearm once more as he guided him rather slowly towards the door. "Watch this" He murmurs into Taeyong's ear before calling out "We're home!"

Instantly a ruffled, but overall unharmed, man bursts through the door from the inside and his hard eyes scan over the smirking mob boss as they searched for someone, soon the eyes latched onto a dejected Yuta, who's head was down, not looking at the man as he inched forward.

"I expected much more of a reaction than this" The man grumbles his voice gentle and eyes soft as they followed Yuta's every move. Yuta snaps his head up "Win!" He says excitedly running towards the man and jumping on him, wrapping his arms and legs around him tightly.

"That's my Yu" Winwin murmurs, he sweetly kissed the side of Yuta's neck as he wraps his arms around the other's waist to hold him up.

Ten chuckles quietly before he clears his throat, alerting the couple to his presence "If you're going to partake in PDA, at least get out of the way of the door"

Winwin steps to the side to let his boss pass without even looking away from Yuta, meaning he didn't see the extremely flustered Taeyong being dragged slightly behind Ten.

"I think you'll fit in just fine for the time being pretty boy" Ten hums as he pulls Taeyong into the house "But don't get overly comfortable" he looks at the redhead "You are a pawn after all, and pawns don't last forever"

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