Chapter 23

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*There can't actually be over 11K of you right???? ㅠ~ㅠ TYSM all of you <3<3<3<3*

*I'm really sorry about the long break ㅜㅜ I wasn't sure what to write for this chapter for a while and I kept putting it off, I'm sorry it's a bit short*



He was roughly tugged into a room that he couldn't see, after the briefest of breaths of fresh air between the silver van he was pulled into the must and dust of the heavily shadowed room he could vaguely see the outline of through the red covering over his eyes.

His heart sunk and his breathing sped up animalistically, he was prepared to fight tooth and nail if only to get him out of the filthy room that reminded of his childhood hell.

As if they had noticed his lean body tensing the two men holding him up by the biceps tightened their grips slightly and with sympathetic glances at the bound boy between them. They followed their third comrade through a long twisted hall and down a flight of steps to a second room, noticeably cleaner, at least in air quality, than the first.

"Why him" the male holding Taeyong's left arm murmured to his friends, a baleful tone in his smooth voice.

"Xiao's right Yang, I really don't like this" the boy on the redhead's right agreed softly as he and Xiao lowered the redhead to the ground as gently as they could.

The third male, Yang, sighed and crouched in front of the bound boy, reaching carefully around him and gently removing the red blindfold from Taeyong's itchy eyes "I know Hen, I don't like this either" he murmurs looking blinking redhead directly in the eyes.

Taeyong scans the other's eyes with his own chocolate, red rimmed ones once they had adjusted to the sudden brightness and comes to the conclusion that he was being told the truth. There was a genuine sense of sorrow and apology behind Yang's iris'.

Yang purposely flicks his eyes to a few discrete places around the room, Taeyong carefully traced the glances to the corner of a creepy painting of withered freesia and roses arranged in a black vase with a single stalk tall white lily in the center of the bowed, bleak, colorless blossoms. The only color was the green of the stem and interior of the white flower in the center of the painting. He shivered slightly as he recognizes the flowers and controls his reaction to the small red blinking light that gave away the location of a tiny camera at the bottom right corner of the foreboding painting.

He followed Yang's glances a few more times and found a total of 3 small cameras, which were placed to get rid of as many blind spots as possible, and two little wire mics, one beside where he was seated and another beside a long gurney style bed, that looked in no way clean, on the other side of the small room.

Taeyong looked back at Yang and blinked as if he had something in his eye to show that he had seen them and hoped the other understood his gratitude. At least he knew he had possible allies within this place, even if they were the ones to bring him here.

He watched as Xiao approached, pulling a key from a thin chain around his neck and pulling a cuffed, thick, but not thick enough to be too heavy to move, chain to clasp around his ankle. Xiao used the key to lock it in place tight enough that Tae couldn't pry off the metal band but not so tight that it would pain him much through his black ripped jeans. Xiao looked up at him apologetically and Tae nods almost imperceptibly to show he understood.

When Xiao had backed away and replaced the key around his neck Taeyong followed the long length of chain from his ankle to where it snaked through the wall into a different cell on the other side of the thick concrete wall, where it could be connected to the ankle of another hostage in the adjacent room. The length of chain that was within Tae's room at that time was enough for him to comfortably lay himself on the bed at the opposite side of the room without bothering whoever was on the other side.

Upon closer inspection Tae could see that there was a thick steel rod threaded through the cuff on the other side of the thick wall, meaning the other room was out of use. A pity, he could have used some company in this crazy-making, dirty, white room.

He decided it was for the best though, at least there was one less person sharing his fate. He watched as the three men unbound his wrists and ankles with gentle hands and watched still more, with the same blank face he had kept up since he had entered the room, feeling the lenses of the cameras focus on him, he watched as his three possible allies file out of the room one by one. Each giving him a baleful glance as they left him behind.

He knew his fate was an occupational hazard of being involved with the mafia.

And he supposed he could learn to be alright with that.

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