Chapter 19

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Taeyong was currently curled up in the back of the van his head throbbing slightly as an after effect from the night before. The darkness helped and he was quite lucky that the headache was minor because today was the day Taeil would finally be brought back to his family.

As Ten opens the door for the other he resists teasing him about his alcohol tolerance, again.

Tae groans softly as he rolls himself out of the van and onto his feet "This is gonna suck ass" he huffs as he slams closed the dark door of the van with an aggressive shove.

Ten chuckles lightly "It will be just fine Pet" he hums lowly "Don't forget to call for me when you're ready to get him out of there"

Taeyong nods "I got this" he huffs as he makes his way towards the dance studio "You'll get your Taeil back whatever it takes"

Ten watches him go for a moment before climbing up into the van and driving away to a secure location near the pick up point for when they were collecting Taeil.

Once Taeyong made it to the studio, he changed his clothes and went to join Taeil to warm up with the elder.

The two practiced for hours until they decided laid on the ground side by side, their clothes drenched with their own sweat. They carefully pulled each other up.

"You ready to go get some ramen?" Taeil breathes tiredly as he watched Taeyong regain his balance.

Taeyong replied with a tired thumbs up as he panted with exhaustion.

The two went to change and and left the studio. They made their way to the convenience store, talking about whatever came to mind. Only breaking their conversation to pay for their ramen.

Soon enough it was time to put the plan into action. Taeyong smiles brightly at his Hyung from his place beside him in the convenience store window "Lets go on a walk in the park before we split up Hyungie" he hums sweetly.

Taeil smiles gently, the small facial movement colored with emotion. He nods "I can spare a little bit of time" he says sweetly as he stands and throws away their ramen cups as Taeyong goes to and holds the door for him.

Taeyong smiles "Hey hyungie, what's your favorite color?" He asks innocently.

Taeil chuckles lightly as they step behind the trees of the park "I would have to say I'm quite drawn to lime green"

Taeyong nods and gestures for Taeil to pull his earrings out just as a van pulled up a few feet behind the pair, Taeil made eye-contact with the driver and his face paled.

The van was silver and the driver was unfamiliar to Taeyong as he turned to look at it "Take your earrings out and run for the black van" he mumbles as he backs up slowly towards Ten's black van that was parked only a little way off from them, though still further than the silver van in competition.

The sliding doors of the silver van bursted open just as Taeil pulled his second earring off and he drops them to the ground "GO" Taeyong yowls as he turns and runs behind Taeil.

Turns out Taeyong is not a terribly fast runner, he was faster than his pursuers but slower than Taeil, so once Taeil was pulled safely into the van by Johnny they all held their breath as Taeyong tried to cross the last few feet to safety.

Five feet from the side of the van,

he stumbled

Taeil went to reach out to the fallen redhead just as he was tackled by the forms that had been chasing him.

The three in the van watched in horror as one masked male dragged the struggling though bound Taeyong back to the van as the second male looked Taeil dead in the eye, pity and apologies swirling in the unfamiliar man's eyes as the black door crashed closed between them.

"Yangyang don't" Taeil whimpers as the door snaps closed he couldn't reach out to stop them, to save Taeyong, as he was being held securely and safely in the arms of Johnny and Johnny sat frozen in the back of the van as Ten stiffly drove the van away from His King.

No emotion was seen in the shock still form of the gang leader, he sat stiffly in his seat as if he were merely an automaton bringing the gang members to their destination.

But if you looked in his eyes you could see a shocking set of emotions swirling behind his steely irises, which were a dull shade from loss though his pupils were small and the steel colored irises stone hard with an emotion he hadn't felt in a long time.


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