Chapter 31

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*I have an announcement to make that I'll put at the end of this chapter in case it runs long*

*A bit more triggering material ahead so please be careful*



That next morning a generous breakfast of steaming scrambled eggs, warm toast, and bowl of yogurt was placed out upon the table for the middle aged couple.

A certain blue haired boss placed a cool bowl of assorted fruits on the center of the table as the soft foot steps of slipper covered feet shuffled towards him.

Ten looked up to see Mrs. Hyorin and Mr. Boseok entering the room, he smiles and bows in greeting to the pair. He pulls out two chairs for the Lees and takes a seat across from them after helping them settle into their places, similar to the seating arrangement the night before.

Mrs. Hyorin smiles gently at the obviously scatterbrained young man across from her "You're bursting at the seems to speak Chittaphon" she points out in a soothing tone.

Ten smiles ruefully at the eggs and toast on his plate before he looks up to meet Mrs. Hyorin's soft gaze guiltily. "I apologize for cutting you short last night" he responds sheepishly "I have to admit I was quite-" he hesitates "shaken, by the information you gave me"

Mr. Boseok nods in understanding "Our Taeyong's story is heavier than you would expect from simply knowing him, but that isn't what she meant boy. She meant you have so many more questions you look fit to explode"

Ten nods in understanding "I have many questions" he agrees "But it's still early in the morning so I'll limit it to two if you think that is reasonable"

"If you think only two questions will be enough to satisfy your curiosity for now then by all means, ask away" Mr. Boseok responds, his tone light so as to tease the young man before him.

Ten smiles gently in response to the teasing "After these two questions I'll be able to stall my curiosity for long enough to catalogue the information and allow you and Mrs. Hyorin to wake up properly" encouraged by the lull in conversation Ten continues on with his first question "How are you related to Taeyong? It is easy to know he isn't your biological son but you seem to know too much for him to have been an adoptee you had no previous relation to"

"Our nephew." Mrs. Hyorin sighs placing down her fork on the edge of her plate "His mother was and is, my sister. My sister often sent him to stay with us when she and her husband went out together on business for more than 5 days, any less and he stayed in the basement alone. Eventually, when his parents had finally given up on him, they sent him to live with us permanently. They even transferred custody of him to the pair of us."

Ten gives a small nod "I'm sure you took good care of him" he says, the stern stare he fixed the couple with seemed to entertain the possibility that they had treated his Taeyong wrong. But behind the challenge there was a trust and gratefulness for the pair taking Taeyong in and caring for him.

Mrs. Hyorin and Mr. Boseok nod together, to agree and affirm how they spent their time with their nephew turned son.

"Alright, I'll ask my final question before I leave you to your breakfast" Ten presses, "This one is a bit more important, who is the other son you mentioned the other day? You said both of your sons were grown and moved away but your records show you only ever had full custody over Taeyong."

Mrs. Hyorin nods slowly, she knew this question was coming, the blue haired leader before her was too smart to have missed that slip up. "This question requires a bit more explanation." She begins, sighing softly.

"Taeyong has a biological older brother, who was being groomed to take over their 'family business' but my sister was not a patient woman and even at the early age of 3 she thought her son would never be able to handle taking over the 'business' and due to some medical complications and her impatience, she could not conceive another baby. So my sister forced me to give up my soon to be born son so she could raise him as her own."

Ten takes the opportunity to interrupt her in the lull between her words "Then how did she have Taeyong?"

"Hmm?" Mrs. Hyorin questions looking up at the boss from where she had been staring at her plate in her pause.

"You said she couldn't have another baby after her first son due to medical complications, so how did she have Taeyong?"

She nods in understanding "Taeyong was the miracle baby they never wanted." She explains shortly, the pain in her voice reflecting in her sad eyes.

"Then why did she carry him to term?" Ten asked quietly, afraid of the answer.

"She may be a bad person but my sister still loves her family, and she felt bad about taking my child from me. Or so she said. We suspect she just didn't wish to deal with going in to abort the fetus and would have rathered 'dump' the unwanted child on us. Once he was born she decided she wanted to use him as a learning opportunity for the other boys, so they could get to know the punishments for bad behavior without having to experience it for themselves."

The hardened mafia boss visibly cringed at this information .

"Please understand Chittaphon, we got him out of there as soon as we could." Mr. Boseok soothes in a gentle tone, the pain in his heart amplified seeing the hatred and sorrow reflected from the depths of Ten's.

With a curt nod Ten stood. His chair scraping loudly against the floor as he rose to his full height. "True to my word I'll let you two be to finish your breakfast, when you are ready to discuss further please come to my office at the right of the door to the rooms you've been given."

And with that Ten left the pair to dine in silence as he went off to grieve for the past.

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