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Riley POV:

I got in the shower and did my shower thing. I hopped out and dried my hair and body really fast. I decided to leave my hair natural. I put my cloths on and shoes.

I walked out of my room and bumped into Tyler. I felt those sparks again. I looked into his blue eyes and smiled.

He grabbed my hand and led me down the hall. We ran out the door, and jumped into Noah's car.

"I'm stopping by my house." he said

I nodded and looked out the window. I can't believe it I'm falling for my brothers best friend.

I mean I can't fall for him. HE IS MY BROTHERS BEST FRIEND! we made it to his house which was not a long way.

There in the drive way was a really nice, 2014 silver dodge charger. It was really nice, can I have it.

"Who's car is that?" I asked gawking at it.

"It's mine." he said

I just looked at him then back at his car then to him again. A hot guy and a hot car. Now that was hot.

"I think I fell in love with a car." I said

"You really like that car don't you?" he asked

I got out of the car, and just started at it. It was so beautiful, I could cry.

"Come in Beautiful." He said putting his arm around my waist and guided me to his house.

"You know I have never been to your house." I said

"What you have never been." he said in mock horror

I hit him in the chest, he put the keys in the lock. That sounds like a sex reference.

He opened the door, and a loud bark came from the house. A dog came charging at the door..That is not a dog that is a horse.

"Hey Zeus." He said petting the horse on the head.

"What is that?" I asked jumping on Tyler's back scared of the horse in front of me.

"It's Zeus his is our puppy. He is a Great Dane" he said chucking

I could feel his back muscles move.

"We'll Zeus doesn't look like a puppy to me. Yeah he is a Great Damn Horse" I said

"He won't eat you I promise, baby." he said

I slowly got down and Tyler put my in front of him. His chest was against my back. Just take me already. hehehe what?!

He grabbed my hand and put it out. he was whispering sweet little nothing.

Zeus smelled my hand and he moved his head so my hand was on top of his head. I petted his head and his tongue came out of his mouth and licked my arm.


"See it wasn't that bad." he said kissing my cheek.

He took his shoes of so I did the same. Zeus followed behind us. There were pictures everywhere if Tyler and little boy.

"I thought you had a dog?" Tyler said to what I am assuming is the kitchen

"I do, Hades." I said

"O, yea Hades he is a all black Rottweiler?" he asked I just nodded my head

"So where are we going for out date?" I asked sitting down on the couch.

"Here." he said

"Here, in your house?" I asked he nodded his head.

"I heard Noah says how you loved shark week. So here we are." he said

He laid down so I got up. he grabbed my waist and sat me down on his lap. I laid down on his chest and put the blanket over us.

His arms were around my waist. We were watching something that had to deal with a 35 foot sharks. who's name was submarine.

I jumped here and there but who wouldn't it is a 35 FOOT SHARK! Who kills people like orca whales.

"I'm never going in the ocean ever again." I said

Tyler kissed my forehead.

"I will keep you safe." he said

"O yea, against submarine. I don't think so you will lose that battle 9 time out of 10." I said

"Were is your horse?" I asked him

He whistled and Zeus came running over. He wagged his tail and sat down so he was in the way. I tried to move him put he just kept on liking my hand which made my giggle.

I could feel Tyler starring at me. I looked at him and followed his eyes which were on my lips.

I looked back at his blue eyes, and he leaned closer in. his forehead was resting against mine.

"I really want to kiss you right now" he said in a husky voice

"No one is stopping you." I said and then

BBBBBOOOOOMMMMM! our lips touched.





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