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Riley POV:

"WAKE UP, TY!" I yelled and jumped on Tyler

He grumbled and tried to pull the blankets up. I just sat there just sitting on him.

"Ty, get up." I said bending down and kissing down his neck.

"Riley." he moaned and grabbed my hips .

I kissed down his neck. I started to leave little wet kisses down his chest. He moved my hips forward and back. He was getting harder and harder.

"Ri..." he said

Then there was a knock at the door. Tyler groaned and he started to kiss my neck. The doorbell rand rapidly.

"Who the fuck is it?" he asked

"It's probably Zac." I said

"Why is he here?" he asked

"Because I invited him, I told you this yesterday." I said pecking his lips.

"But Princess." he whined

"No, get dressed, now or you aren't coming." I said running down the hall.

I opened the door and there stood Zac. I gave Zac a hug, he came in the house and sat down.

"I'm so excited." I said


"Because it's the lake, I love the lake." I said jumping up and down.

"Prin... Riley have you seen my swim trunks." Tyler asked walking down the hall in just his shorts.

"Have you checked the bathroom? I don't know Tyler, let me help you." I said getting up "I will be back." I said to Zac

Zac just nodded his head.

I walked to Tyler's room, he picked me up and pushed me up against the wall. He kissed my lips hungrily, My hands went through his hair. He set me down and I just looked at him.

"You found your swim trunks didn't you?" I asked

He pulled them from the floor. he smiled a cheeky smile. I just rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I just wanted one last kiss with my princess before. we have to go back to disliking each other." he said pouting

"Ty... don't pout, now hurry up." I said giving him a peck on the lips. "first bend down." I told him, he squatted down, and I ran my fingers through his hair, so it didn't look like we were making out. I grabbed his white obey SnapBack, and placed it on his head.

"There now you look handsome." I said

"I wasn't handsome before?" he asked

"Shut up Tyler." I said pecking his lips.

I closed his door, and Zac was standing in front of me. I squealed and I covered my mouth. I grabbed his hand and I went to the kitchen.

"You idiot you scared me." I said slapping his arm

"So you don't hate him?" he asked


"Friends with benefits?" he asked

"Ummm, definitely not." I said

"Boyfriend?" he asked

"Yes." I said blushing

"We'll aren't you just a cute couple." he said laughing

"Look Zac you can't tell anyone, and if you do I will come and personally kill you. I won't have any mercy." I said

"Okay I promise." he said


So yea it short, I mean it better than nothing? right?

We'll I made a new book it's called Long Way Home, it's a Five sauce book, it's about Calum Hood. I think you guys should read it.




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