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Riley POV:

"Bye Zac." I said as he hopped into his mom's car.

I closed the door behind me. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a yellow Gatorade and a peanut butter granola bar. I was walking out of the'q kitchen when I tripped over something. I landed with a huge 'ommph' on the floor.

"Who puts bags in front of the door!" I yelled

"O Ri are you okay?" Noah asked

"Actually I'm not." I said getting up and dusting myself off.

"Who's are these?" I asked referring to the bags that I just tripped over.

"It's Tyler's." he said

"Why are his bags here?" I asked

"His parents are going away to London for 3 months so he is staying with us." he said

"He is... How old is he?" I asked


"He is 19 why can't he stay be himself? He goes to college, he can cook some Mac n' cheese." I said

"Riley behave please." he said

"I'm going to my room. Don't bother me txt me when dinner is ready." I said walking to my room.

"Hi Ri Ri." Tyler said

"Don't call me that." I said

"Why don't you like me?" he asked

"Tyler are you serious, Malcolm broke up with me because of you. He even told me he loved me. He called me beautiful, gorgeous, his princess. He was my everything that's was until you messed ever thing up. That is why I can't stand you." I said yelling and I stomped the rest of my way to my room.

I grabbed my iPad, I put my headphone in just in case, anyone was was listening in. I was on FaceTime. Who should I FaceTime.

I was getting a FaceTime from Zac. I answered it because I can't ignore him.

"Hi Ri!" Zac said waving

"Hi Zac." I said smiling

"Why are you sad?" he asked

"Because Tyler is staying here for 3 months." I said

"That's a bad thing?" He asked

"Of course it is, I can't stand him." I said

"I thought you had a crush on him when you were 15?" he said

"I did then Malcolm came along. I feel head over heeling for him." I said

"Malcolm is a prick." he said "Everyone says that at school besides you." he said

"I have to go by Zac." I said

"Bye baby girl." I said

I laid on my bed thinking. Tyler was very attractive, he had brown hair blue eyes. How could you go wrong with that. he was 6'3 which was even better because he was tall. I was falling for Tyler when I was 15, and I was falling hard.

I felt like singing, so I sang a song that I could relate to. Dear No One by Tori Kelly

"I like being independent

Not so much of an investment

No one to tell me what to do

I like being by myself

Don't gotta entertain anybody else

No one to answer to" I sang softly to myself

"But sometimes, I just want somebody to hold

Someone to give me their jacket when its cold

Got that young love even when we're old

Yeah sometimes, I want someone to grab my hand

Pick me up, pull me close, be my man

I will love you till the end" I sang at a normal range

"Aye yo, Riley came and eat!" Noah yelled

I got up humming the rest of the song on the way to the kitchen. I was looking down texting Zac. I was not paying attention until I bumped into a body.

I felt these sparks, that you only feel in movie or books. When they meet that person they feel sparks with. That's how it felt like. I looked up not expecting that person to be standing there.






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