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Riley POV:

I got off the bathroom floor. I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were all red and puffy. Malcolm got up and left the bathroom. The kiss was nothing. I didn't feel the sparks I did with Tyler.


Oh crap, how could I do that to him. He is going to brake up with me. He will never forgive me for this. I just started to cry even more. I just want to go home now.

I need to call my dad.

D = Dad, R= Riley

D = Hello?

R = Dad, can I go home I don't feel so we'll.

D = what's a matter do you want Noah to pick you up?

R = please and we can get my car later.

D = okay I will call you go to the office

R = okay bye love you

D = love you too

I got up and dusted myself off. I splashed water in my face. I dried my face and walked to my classroom. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the room.

I went to the office. I sat there and waited for Noah. He walked into the office and picked me up in his arms. He said bye to the ladies and he carried me to his car.

"We are going to my place." he said

"Is Tyler there?" I asked

"No." he said I just nodded

We made it to his apartment, and we walked to his place. He opened it and it smelled like Tyler. I walked to Noah's room. I grabbed his sweatpants and a shirt. I changed and slipped into his bed.

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" he asked


Tyler POV: (sorry for character skip)

I got off the airplane, I was happy to be back. I turned my phone on and I didn't get any messages from Riley. That's kind of weird. I mean I did leave without saying goodbye.

I had no choice to leave the soccer team was having a game in London. It was fun, we won of course. But I missed Riley like crazy.

I got to my car and started listening to my voicemail.

5 messages from Riley:

"Tyler can you come over please?"


"Tyler please I need someone, please."


"Tyler please don't leave me like please. I need you to come over. please Tyler."


"Tyler why aren't you answering! Please I need you!"

Last one.

"Tyler please, I need you to help me. Something happened today and I need you please. I don't want you to leave me please. I don't know why you aren't answering but I just need someone. I need someone to help me through this. I can't to it myself. Please Tyler."

Her voice sounded so sad. She sounded like she was a little girl that just lost her dog, or maybe even worse. I checked my texts. The last message I sent was saying 'okay' her's was 'I love you'. I just said okay what the fuck is wrong with me. I must have being driving or something.

I started my car and speed to my apartment. I got out of my car and ran to the apartment. I opened the door and I heard talking. It was Riley and Noah.

"I didn't mean to kiss Malcolm. He was there when Tyler wasn't. He comforted me, he has been there a lot for me lately. I mean Tyler has been gone for a week. He didn't he answer my calls. He helped me the through the mom situation." she said talking to Noah.

She kissed Malcolm? What did she mean by the mom situation? I know I wasn't there for the past week and all this shit happened? I knew letting that stupid pricking Malcolm would cause more drama in our relationship.

I opened the door to Noah's bed room. Her cheeks were tear stained, eyes were red and puffy. Her eyes meet mine and she looked like she was about to cry. She looked at Noah and he hugged her and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and he got up.

"I'm going to get food." he said smiling a sympathetic smile at me.

I heard the door close. It was just Riley and I. She looked up at me and started crying.

"Riley? What's a matter, what is going on?" I asked sitting on Noah's bed.

She went on telling me about her cold. When she thought Malcolm was trying to hit on her. Then she told me all about the phone call and her mom. She started to ball so much. I pulled her close to me, she held into to me like she thought I was going to disappear. She went on to tell me about Malcolm and her kissing. How she only kissed him because he was there for her, and how she wasn't thinking. When she was done I kissed her forehead. I used my thumb and wiped away her tears.

"Tyler?" she said hugging me tightly

"Yea, Ri?" I asked rubbing her back.

She started to cry again. She need to stop crying or she will get sick.

"Please don let me go. Cause I'm tired of feeling alone." She said holding on to me.


Sorry I haven't updated, I have writers block.




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