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The other cast!

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Riley POV:

Today is Saturday, and I am laying in bed with a cold. Today is the worst part of my cold. Where I'm have a tears running out of both my eyes, and my nose won't stop running. I look like a hot mess. I was not a happy camper. Hades was laying at the foot of my bed. I started to have a sneezing fit. Which turned into a almost choking to death.

"That's for trying to save me, Hades." I said glaring at the all black Rottweiler. It sounded like he just did a huff. "Love you too Hades." I said huffing.

I was kind if mad, I mean I'm sick. I deserve to be mad. I missed the game yesterday. So I was mad because of that. Also Tyler hasn't came to see me. I mean come on he should be taking care of me.

"Riley!" I head my dad say as he knocked on my door.

"Yes?" I asked as he opened the door.

"Here is some soup." He said putting the soup on my tray, and handing it to me. "is Hades taking care of you?" he asked

"No I almost died because I was chocking. He just sat there like nothing." I said

"Stop acting like a drama kid,crazy." he said

"Dad?" I asked

"Yea monkey?" he asked

"How come you don't want to find someone?" I asked him

He sat down in my pink fluffy chair. He just looked at me. His face was serious.

"I'm just never got over your mother. She was a beautiful women. You look just like her, But you two are very different. She was a very shy, and never liked to talk to new people. She would always hang around the same people. But when you got to know her, she was crazy. she just loved to dance anywhere. Just like you when you were little. You were always laughing and dancing." he said just looking at me.

"Dad, I want you to be happy. I don't want you sulking around about that women. Go find someone go be happy. Don't worry about anything." I said he got out if the chair and walked to the door.

"Thank you, Riley." he said smiling and closing the door

I just turned my tv in and started eating. Hades kept on getting closer to me. I just glared at him and he would move a little closer.

"You are not getting my soup." I told him

"So you talk to dogs now?" I heard Malcolm say

I jumped a little, and just gave him a blank look.He smiled at me, and closed my door. He walked over and sat were my dad sat. He just kept on smiling at me.

"You scared me." I said

"I know." he said chuckling

"So who has visited you?"he asked

"I'm not in the hospital, I just have a cold, Mal." I said

"Mal?" he asked "My nickname when we were dating?" he asked

I just looked away and blushed. I would always call him that when we were dating. He just smiled that heart melting smile. My heart started to beat faster.

"Yea, no has visited beside you, my dad, and Fatty over here." I said pointing towards Hades who was asleep with food on his mouth.

"No Tyler or Noah, Gorgeous?" he asked using my nickname when we were dating.

I felt my cheeks heat up again. I put the covers over my head giggling. He started chuckling, then started laughing. His laugh making my heart skip a beat. What is wrong with me?

"No they have school all week." I said

"So they couldn't come see you after school?" he asked

"I think there tired of me. I mean I'm always over at there place." I said

"I would never get tried of you." he said looking at me in the eyes.

"Malcolm." I said

"I missed you." he said looking down

I just blushed even more. we talked for a few hours. He sat in the chair looking like a princess. We laughed at nothing really.

He got a call from his mom. Saying it was late and he needed to come home. he got up from the chair and gave me kiss on my forehead.

"Bye Gorgeous." he said and

closed the door.

I just sat there, he missed me. His blue almost green eyes looking at me. He hasn't called me Gorgeous since we broke up.

I went to bed that night thinking of Malcolm.


There is going to be drama! Not like Chis 'Drama' Pfaff, no not him. Lol I make myself life, that's probably why I'm single. 😑

I have a new book, it's called 'My Baseball Boy' I inly have a chapter up so far. But can you read, comment, and vote in that story. That would mean a lot.

Up top is the new cast, so aren't new, but like Noah is new.




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