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Riley POV:

After the game, I didn't feel like changing clothes. So I just went back to were my dad was and I. I hugged and he told me a good job. I thanked him and walked to were Tyler was. I smiled up at him and he winked, which made me blush.

"You did amazing, princess." he said pecking my lips

"Yeah, yeah, no kissing in front of me." My dad said coming in between.

"Hello Mr.Nelson, how are you?" I heard Malcolm ask

"Piss off stupid ass kid." My dad said pushing pass him

"Sassy." I said and Tyler chuckled

"Hey, Riley." Malcolm said

"Hey." I said putting on a fake smile

"I was wondering if you we could still be friends?" he asked rubbing the back of his neck

I felt Tyler stiffen, I rubbed my his knuckles and he loosed up. But he was still glaring at Malcolm. I looked at Malcolm, I looked at his face to see if he was lying.

I looked into his eyes, and he looked genuine. I saw no trace of evidence that he was lying.

"Yes, you only get one chance." I said

He gave me a quick hug, and then walked off. Tyler grabbed my hand and walked off. I stopped dead in my tracks. He turned around and he jaw was clenched.

"What is your problem?" I asked

"My problem, You just basically are friends with your prick of a ex. So I don't have a problem, because my fucking girlfriend is friends with her ex now." he said yelling at me

"Tyler I'm tired of you yelling at me." I said walking off

"Don't walk off from me." he said and grabbed my wrist

He pulled me into him. He got all up in my face. He was hurting me. His eyes were all not there natural blue. They were almost black.

"Tyler stop you are hurting me."i said

His eyes went back to there normal color. I got my wrist and held it. It would be bruised in the morning. I just looked at Tyler and have him an disgusted look. I turned on my heel, and walked to my dad's car. I got in the car and slammed the door.

"What happened?" he asked

"Tyler has kind of stupid anger problem were he can't control it or something. He got all mad at me because I said I would be friends with Malcolm." I said explains to my dad

"You didn't know he had anger problems? He has had them since he was a kid. You just have to try and fun some techniques to calm him down. I know his mom told me he would clam down fast. when she would hold him and run her fingers through his hair." he said

"Plus I don't like that stupid ass prick kid." my dad said

"Sassy, I know you mumbled it at the game." I said trying not to laugh.

We pulled up to McDonald's, my favorite place beside chick fil a. We pulled up to the drive way.

"What do you want?" my dad asked

"The usual." I said getting my phone out and talking a picture of my dad ordering and put it in snapchat.

"Hi yes, can I have the 20 piece nuggets, and fries with a large chocolate milkshake, and a Dr.Pepper, thanks." my dad said

He drove up to the next window. We gave the guy the money. He must have gone to my school because he started to ask me questions.

"Hey you are the cheerleader Riley Nelson." he said

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