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I switched the character for Tyler, Tyler won't be played by Sean O'donnell, he will be played by Jack Gilinsky 😍. Yea so that it 😳 you may read now. Thanks for reading my Authors Note.


Riley POV:

I woke up from my nap, I looked over and Tyler was on the floor. How did he get on the floor. I got off the bed, I sat down by him.










"Tyler, I'm going to shower do you want to come help save water and take a shower with me?" I asked whispering in his ear

"Are you just trying to get me up? Or are you serious?" He asked

"I'm serious." I said


"Tyler" I mocked

"Are you teasing me?" He asked

"Tyler Mason, for the last time come on I need to shower." I said getting up and taking my shirt off. He got up so fast and he grabbed me and we took our shower.

After our shower, and I dried my hair and curled it. I put on my bra and underwear. I put on a cute crop top that said "I wish that I could be like the cool kids' it showed my belly button,i put my black stone belly button ring. I put on dark wash short shorts. I Slipped on my black vans, and walked to were the boys were sitting.

"Let's go party!" I yelled

We walked to Noah's new car? It was a ford 4-250, it was all black truck. Umm, talk about amazing.

"When did you get a new car?" I asked

"Dad, got me it today." He said as we were driving to Elisa's. I just nodded my head.

"Look at my wallpaper." Tyler said

He tilted his phone so he could so me. It was of us, I was sitting on his lap. My arms were around his neck, and I was looking at the phone. His eyes were closed and he was kissing my cheek.

I smiled at him and pecked his lips. We got out of the car, and walked into the house. He held onto my hand, and we made our way to Elisa. We made it to her, and she was hugging Noah. We walked over there and I jumped into her arms.

"Hello Snow Queen." I said getting down

"Hello Snow Princess, your boy toy is talking to a girl." She said and I turned around.

Tyler was hugging a girl. She had icy blue eyes, her hair was long and it was brown with blonde highlights. She looked just like Tyler, they had the same eyes, the same hair beside the blonde highlight.

"Princess this is Luna, she is my older sister." He said smiling

"Hi Luna, I'm Riley." I said putting my hand out she just looked at it and rolled her eyes. I drew my hand back, I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Luna, this is my girlfriend of a month." He said smiling proudly.

"Really?" She asked

"Yeah." He said still smiling

"That's amazing, little bro." She said fake smiling

"I'm going to get a drinks. I will be back." He said and gave me a peck on the lips before walking off.

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