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Riley POV:

I woke up the next morning rubbing my eyes. I remembered what happens last night.

"I have a boyfriend!" I whispered to myself.

"I have a girlfriend!" I heard a whisper.

I looked up and saw Tyler. He was only in his boxers. I assumed my dad and Noah left because he would not be standing here almost naked in my room if they were here.

I put the covers over my head. I looked so ugly right now. My hair is probably all frizzy. I need to wash my face, and brush my teeth. I'm a mess.

"Ri, what are you doing?" he asked

"I look ugly, go out and then I will let you back in." I said

I pulled the covers back and I looked around and I saw him standing there. I made yelped, I told him to wait outside. I made a dash to my bathroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth, I went to the potty. I did my hair in a high pony tail. I wash my hands then I washed my face.

I walked out feeling refreshed. He was lying in my bed. I got I to the bed and he put his arms around my waist. I could feel the sparks shooting up my body. I laid my head in his chest.

"Are Noah and my dad gone?" I asked

"Yeah, they left at ten." he said

I looked at my clock it was noon.

I grabbed my phone to see if there were any messages. I had 4 messages. one from Malcolm, one from my dad and Noah, one from Paula.

Mal ❤️ : I can't believe you stayed with him 😑 I thought we had something. I still miss you, and I still love you. 😔

I looked up and Tyler and he snatched my phone. He changed his contact to 'Not worth me time😄'

Riley : This is Riley's boyfriend, i would really like it if you could stop texting my girl. You are the one that lost her and broke her. Now I'm here to fix those pieces So bye

Then he took a picture of us kissing. An attached it to the message and sent it.

I got one from my dad and Noah saying they went on a two day fishing trip.

Then other was from a friend Paula. she really wasn't she was just in the cheerleading squad.

Paul 🎀 : I thought you were going to the party? It wasn't even fun, we wish you could have gone.

Riley 😘 : sorry I was doing something important.

I laid my phone face down. I looked at Tyler and had a frown on his face.

"Don't frown, you are to young to frown. Smile!" I said pecking his lips.

"I just can't believe someone can cheat on you." he said in disbelief. "I mean they would have to be stupid. I mean you are the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen." he said

I just blushed, he always makes me blush.

"Ty..." I said he looked at me

"Thank you for breaking me up with Malcolm. I would have forgave him if he wanted to get back together. Thank you for not letting me make that mistake."i said

"No problem princess." he said pecking my lips

"What should we do today?" I asked

"The fair?" he asked

"Yes." I said

He got out of bed, then he left the room and closed the door. I bolted out of the bed and into my closet.

What to wear?

I picked out a cute blue tank top that had white poke a dots, the trim with pink, and the back had blue lace. I got a pink bandeau go the pink would stand out. I grabbed a pair of white lace shorts. I was thinking about wearing flats but then I thought its a fair. So I slipped on my matching blue vans. For my hair I left it in a high ponytail and put a white lace bow.

I opened my door and he was standing there about to knock. I closed the door and he knocked. He is such a dork.

"Hello I'm here to see my gorgeous girlfriend." he said looking past me

I pushed him lightly. he didn't even move 😑.

"Oh, look there she is." he said like he didn't see me and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"You are a dork." I said smiling pecking his lips again.

"But I'm your dork." he said pecking my forehead.

He was dressed in his khaki shorts, and a maroon shirt with a cool pocket design. He had his maroon vans on and his hair was in a quiff then his signature SnapBack. His SnapBack was maroon and in blacker lettering said 'Obey'.

We walked to Noah's car hand and hand. I was bouncing in my seat because I love fairs. he grabbed my hand and we laced our fingers together. He kissed my hand and put it on his lap.

"Let's go to the fair!" I said


Sorry I didn't update I was at the lake and I'm going again tomorrow. so I will update Sunday



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