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Riley POV:

I pulled away and looked at him in the eyes. he was already looking at me. I turned at got up from laying on his chest.

I went to another couch and Zeus followed me. I grabbed another blanket and continued to watch the tv.

He sat up and stretched the back of his neck. He sat there and just kept on looking at me. I tried to not look at him.

I knew if I looked at him, I would see hurt and pain in his eyes. I just kept watching the tv. I couldn't fall for him. I just couldn't, but I already kissed him.

"Sorry?" Tyler said still looking at me.

My blue eyes still held contact with the tv. Don't look at him Riley don't you dare. I told myself, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out of my back pocket.

It was from Malcolm. That was weird, neither less I opened the text.

Mal ❤️ : I thought you were coming to the party 😔

Riley 😘 : I had a date 😳, sorry. 😔

Mal ❤️ : But are you coming after 😁

I looked at Tyler his head was resting on a pillow. His eyes were closed and, his breathing was even. He's asleep.

Riley 😘 : you will have to pick me up 😬

Mal ❤️ : send me the address and I will be there 😘

Riley 😘 : 1998 Tiger rd 😊

Mal ❤️ : I live like 2 minutes, meet me outside, can't wait to see you, beautiful. 😘

I went to the front door and I slipped my shoes on. I heard a car honk the horn. I prayed that Tyler didn't hear it.

"Riley?" I heard Tyler's voice


I saw Tyler run his hand through his hair as he turned the corner. He say me with my shoes and looked confused.

"Were are you going?" he asked

"I was going to get fresh air." I said lying

I felt my phone buzz in my hand.

Mal ❤️ : are you coming? 😄

Tyler grabbed my phone and read the messages exchanged between us. Then looked at me and shook his head. He laughed a humorless laugh.

"I really thought you were different." he said shaking his head

"Tyler..." I said

"Was this your plan?" he asked

I just looked at him confused.

"You wanted me to fall for you. Then you were going to leave me for him the first chance you got. RIGHT! It was revenge, for screwing up the relationship you guys had" He yelled


"Do you know why Noah and I think he is a prick. It's because we saw him cheating on with with another girl. That's what I told him that lie about you. So he couldn't hurt you. But in the long run I ended up hurting myself." he said


"But you still love him, and I understand. You gave a chance, and I'm thankful that you did. But you can go to the party with Malcolm." he said

I cupped his face and smashed my lips onto his. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. My arms went around his hair. My hands running through his hair. I pulled away and rested my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry." I said against his chest.

"It's okay, should I go tell Malcolm to leave?" he asked

I nodded my head against his chest. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. He opened the door and Zeus ran out. Tyler and I walked to Malcolm's car.

Tyler bent down so he could look at Malcolm.

"Look here prick, don't text my girl again. She isn't interested in little boys. She interested in men, so if you could leave that would be amazing." Tyler said shooting him a wink and walking away.

Zeus ran in-between us and ran inside. We walked back and we were swinging our hands. I took my shoes off and jumped and lied down on the couch.

Tyler can and hovered over me. He smiled and pecked my forehead.

"So I'm your girl?" I asked as he still hovered over me.

"As long as we are talking, then you are my girl." he said pecking my lips.

I put my arms around his neck so he could kiss me. I kissed him back, and he flipped us over. So I was straddling him. So our stuff was touching. He put his hands on my waist, so I started to move forward and back.

I kissed down his jaw line and he moaned. His hands slipped under my shirt. I took his shirt off and started to kiss down his chest.

"Fuck.. Ri." he said moaning in my ear

He slipped my shirt off, lands started to kiss down my neck. I could feel him get harder and harder. I put my hands by his shorts and races his v-line while biting my lip. I slipped my dad down his boxers and me maimed loudly.

I started to pump slowly. Then I went a little faster.

"Ri... I think I'm about to come." he said and right on cue. His liquids spilled on my hand and in his boxers.

I took my hand out and started to lick the cum off my hand. He was looking at me with with his now dark blue eyes.

I looked at him with my innocent eyes. My hair was over my shoulder and I was looking down at him.

"I need to change my boxers." he said

I got off him and grabbed my shirt. Then slipped it back on. Tyler picked me up like a child so I was on his hip.

He kissed my cheek and he walked up the stairs like I was nothing.

He opened his room door and placed me on his bed. His room was a dark blue. There were poster of soccer players everywhere, Lionel Messi, Christiano Ronaldo David Beckham (Yum), Olivier Giroud and so much more . His soccer trophies were on a self, and his old soccer jerseys were tacked to the wall.

His room was actually pretty clean. I had a feeling he had to clean it. Tyler came out of the shower, and his hair was still wet.

He had some shorts on and a old high school soccer shirt. He slipped on his black vans.

He kissed my forehead and mumbled something I was scared of. Something that made my heart freeze. It made me feel like I shouldn't be with him.

Three words that always break my heart.





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