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Riley POV:

"I'm gonna love ya,Until you hate me, And I'm gonna show ya, What's really crazy, You should've known better, Than to mess with me, honey, I'm gonna love ya, I'm gonna love ya, Gonna love ya, gonna love ya, Like a black widow, baby." I sang as I got ready for school

"Hey Riley, can you like not!" I heard my brother bang on his wall

"Sorry Noah!" I yelled

I got ready, today was the first day of junior year. I was so pumped I mean two more years of high school then I leave.

I started to straighten my brown hair. which didn't take that long since my hair was already kind of straight. I pinned my bangs back and put in a cute little white bow.

I grabbed my floral vans backpack, and headed to the kitchen.

"I'm-a make you beg for it, plead for it, Till you feel like you breathe for it, Till you do any and everything for it, I want you to fiend for it." I raped

I opened the fridge and grabbed a Sunny D. I sat at the table and I front of me was a piece of toast. This will do, I don't eat that much for breakfast. I don't like breakfast actually.

"Hello daughter." my dad said

"Hello father." I said

We both looked at each other and laughed. We have always done that every since I could talk. It was like a tradition.

I had an amazing family. I mean if you want to call it a family. It was my dad, Noah and I. I didn't have a mom. I mean I did but she left as soon as I was born.

She singed all my right to my father. Literally right after I was born she gave me to my father. Than ran off with another guy.

But I was happy, I got an amazing dad, and a wonderful brother. They were the world to me.

"Are you taking me to school?" I asked my dad

"No Noah is, it's in his way to the college." he said opening up his newspaper.

I finished my toast and walked to my room. I walked to the bathroom, and brushed my teeth. I rinses my mouth and looked up.

"Fudgen' freakin'!" I yelled I put my hand over my chest.

Noah just sat there laughing his head off. I smacked his chest.

"Why do you do that to me?" I asked trying to catch my breath.

"Because I like getting that reaction." He said still laughing

I looked at what he was dressed in. His freakin pajamas.

"Noah you need to get dressed. Dad said you are taking me to school." I said

"I am dressed." he said

"I thought you had class today?" I asked

"No I'm picking up Tyler at the campus. He had soccer practice this morning so I was going to get him." he said

I don't like Tyler he annoys me. He is always bugging me about something. Don't even get me started on what he did when I had a boyfriend.

"Can't he just like walk or something?" I asked

"Why I thought you liked Tyler?" he asked

"No why would you think that? He is really annoying" I said

"No he is not." he said

"Yes he is remember what he did to Malcolm." I said

"That was because Malcolm was a prick." he said

"Don't say that word, now I can't be in the same room with him without being awkward." I said

I heard my dad whistle. We looked at each other and walked to the kitchen. There my dad was still reading his newspaper. We stopped in front of him.

"Why are you fighting?" he asked not looking up from his newspaper.

"On the way to drop off Riley, Im going to pick up Tyler . But she got all mad because she hates Tyler." Noah explained to my dad.

"I never said I hated him. I just said he was really annoying." I grumbled

"I don't care Riley, be nice to Tyler. He is a sweet kid." he said "now go drop your sister off she is about to be late." my dad said

I huffed and walked off to the garage door. I grabbed my backpack and opened the door.

"Riley Drew Nelson!" my dad said

I walked back and gave him a kiss and hug I said an ' I love you'. my dad always made us give hugs and kisses and say I love you, because he said and i quote. ' That may be the last time you see that person.'

I ran out the door and got into the front seat of Noah's black and yellow Camero. I call his car bumble bee.

"You will have to sit in the back." he said "sorry not sorry." he said smiling

I rolled my eyes, I threw my backpack in the back. Then I climbed to the back. I really dislike him sometimes.

He drove to the campus and we had to wait. Then my jam came on 'Nana' by Trey Songz.

"Ayes turn up!" I yelled

Noah started to dance in his seat.

"No you boob, turn it up, not turnt up." I said and he turned it up

"Ooh, na-na, Look what you done started, Ooh, na-na, Why you gotta act so naughty, Ooh, na-na

,I'm 'bout to spend all this cash, Ooh, na-na, If you keep shaking that, oh" I sang along with the music

Noah and I started to dance in our seat. He started to twerk in his seat. He is so weird sometimes.

When the song ended Tyler still was not here.

"Were is your friend, I'm going to be late." I said

"There he is." Noah said pointing at a finger in the direction Tyler was.

Tyler opened the door and sat there. Then we drove off to my school.

"Hey Riley, how is Malcolm?" Tyler asked

"Thanks to you we broke up. I really dislike you for it because I really loved this one." I said crossings arms

"I thought he was a prick." Tyler said

"Me too." Noah said

"He was really nice, If you ever got to know him. But of course you had to tell him something embarrassing." I said

We finally made it to my school. Noah got out of the car and let me out. I couldn't be in the car with him anymore.

"Bye bubba, love you" I said hugging him

"Bye love you, sis." he said hugging me

I pulled away and walked into the school.

Here goes nothing.





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