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He kissed my forehead and mumbled something I was scared of. Something that made my heart freeze. It made me feel like I shouldn't be with him.

Three words that always break my heart.


Riley POV:

"I love you." he said

I just looked at him wide eyed. I looked anywhere but him. He grabbed my chin and made me look in his eyes.

"Was it to soon?" he asked

"We aren't even boyfriend and girlfriend." I said looking down

"I know, I was just I thought since you were my girl that already made us a couple?" he asked

"O." I said

"Why do you keep on pushing me away. Every time I do something like kissing you. You have this look in your eyes." he said

"I'm just scared to fall in love again. Every single time I do I always end up getting hurt. I don't mean to push you away. it's just that I have been hurt to many times." I said looking up at him

"I can mend your broken heart. I might miss everything you said to me, And I can lend you broken parts. That might fit like this, And I will give you all my heart. So we can start it all over again" he said ( I wonder you can guess that song?)

I looked at him, he is way to good for me.

"I'm so sacred I will get hurt." I said crying

He used his thumb and wiped away the tears. He pecked my forehead and just held me.

"I promise I won't ever hurt." he said

"Okay." I said

"Okay what" he asked

"I will be your girlfriend." I said

He picked me up and twirled me around. He placed little butterfly kisses all over my face. which made me laugh and giggle.

He put my down and grabbed my hand and placed it by his heart. He looked me in the eyes.

"Do you feel that?" he asked

I nodded my head, his heart was beating fast.

"It only beats like that for you." he said he put his hand under his shirt like he was getting something from his pocket.

He grabbed my hand and opened it. he placed something in my hand and closed it.

"I just gave you my heart don't break it." he said I started to cry.

I placed my arms around his neck, and hugged him. that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.

"I love you, you don't have to say it yet. But I feel like I need to tell you that." he said I nodded my head.

"I'm glad you are mine." I said

"I'm glad I can finally hold you." he said pecking my lips.

"sorry I tried to leave. I never do that do that, I feel so embarrassed." I said hiding my face.

"I think we need to get you home." he said I nodded

He picked me up and he walked to the front door. He put me down and I put my shoes on. we walked out and he locked the door.

"Bye beauty." I said to his car

"Come on princess." he said I hopped into the car.

We drove to my house and we had to sneak in. We made the door squeak. I put my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't laugh.

Just then the light turned on and my dad sat there in his lounge chair.

"Holy direction!" I said scared

"Where were you?" he asked

"I was at a party." I said

"Why did you take Tyler?" he asked

"He had to feed his dog, so he offend to drop me off." I told him

"Good." my dad said

"Goodnight." my dad said getting up and going to his room.

We walked the other direction and I leaned up against the wall. Tyler but a hand by my head. He then placed the other one on my hip. he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I kissed him back and I put my arms around his neck. the kiss was so soft and he made me feel like I was loved.

"Goodnight princess." he said leaving me breathless

"Night Ty." I said

I took my clothes on and put on a oversized shirt and took my pants off and slipped into bed.

I was smiling like a idiot.

Because I was slowly falling for my brothers best friend.


So yea can you guys go read another story if mine. it's called Pain and it's a punk zayn malik fan fiction. if you do thank you so so so so much.





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