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Riley POV:

I woke up the next morning, the sun in my face. I looked at over at Tyler, and he had his arms wrapped against my waist. His head on my chest, he looked liked a little boy. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Riley?" he asked in his adorable morning voice

"Yes, my prince?" I asked

"I love you."

"I love you too." I said smiling

"So what should we do?" he asked

"Can we have a lazy day?" I asked

"Yes." he said

"Good cause I didn't want to do anything." I said giggling.

I cuddled into his chest more. It was sad how scared and sad he looked. I couldn't believe it when he said no one has ever loved him. That everyone gave up on him. Tyler was one of those people that don't care what people say about him. I guess he finally cracked when I told him I was giving up on him.

He would also go after his goals. Take playing soccer for the university. He has always wanted to play there. He wouldn't let anyone in his way of achieving his goals.

"What are you thinking about Princess?" He asked

"Why does everyone give up on you Tyler?" I asked looking into his eyes, he looked away from me. I heard him sigh and take a deep breath.

"Because when I was in high school, I would always get in fights, and i did things like drugs. I would come home fucked... No not like that fucked, like I was fucked up cause of the drugs and I would drink. My parents got tried of it and told me I was a disappointment. I would never amount to anything in the world. I would be a low life loser." He said finally looking up at me. I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

I was about to talk and he put his finger on my lips. He shook his head telling me not to speak.

"I stopped doing those things. I cleaned up, I still drink but not that much. I stopped doing drugs completely, and I found out that i should try out for the soccer team. I made it and my grades got back up. I showed my parents my report card it had all A's. They just looked at it and tore it up. They looked at me with disgust. They told me I would never bee like Brody, my older brother. He had straight A's, he was the captain of the football team. He got into a great college and played football there. They never came to one of my soccer games. I guess I would never amount to there expirations. Then when I would get super anger and throw shit. My mom would hug me and run her fingers through my hair. I thought she loved me, but after I relaxed she would pretend I didn't exist. That's why I always got mad when my parents would act all sweet to me when we were around you guys." He said and wiped my tears with his thumb.

"That's why this relationship is all new to me. I have never been in love, but since I was little and we meet, I knew there was something. You would always make my heart beat fast, you would give me those butterflies in my stomach. I'm just scared that you will leave me and find someone better." He said I sat up and sat crissed crossed. I was looking down at him.

He grabbed both my hands. He laced out finger together. He looked up at me, and just looked at me.

"Together?" He asked

"Forever." I said smiling down at him

"I think you meet Brody right?" He asked

"Blonde hair and blue eyes, and an inch shorter then you?" I asked

"Yea." He said smiling

"Why do you live with your parents if you don't like them?" I asked

"Umm, I found an apartment, but I have to wait like two weeks, till I can move in. So I have to live with them for now." He said

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