33 (Tyler POV)

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Tyler POV:

We got out of the car, and I went to the back and got my duffel bag. I handed it to Riley, who was fascinated by random thing. I grabbed my soccer backpack. Then closed the trunk, I grabbed Riley's hand and I led her to the stadium.

"Where were you for that week?" she asked me out of the blue.

"I was in London playing as they call it football. I meant to tell you it's just I didn't have anytime. I wanted you to come with me, but you had your studies." I said

"Oh that's true." she said as I opened the door up for her.

"Tyler my man." Ollie said giving me a bro hug.

"Hey Ollie." I said as we pulled away.

"Who is this?" he asked nodding towards Riley who was being ADD at the moment and looking up at the lights which has bugs swarming around.

"This is my girlfriend Riley Nelson." I said getting Riley's attention.

"Oh hi I'm Riley." she said blushing

"Oliver, but you can call me Ollie." he said

"Hi." she said looking back at the bugs.

"Baby what the hell are you looking at?" I asked looking up at the bugs. Ollie looked at the bugs too.

"Why are they attached to the light?" she asked

"BENTLEY!" My coach yelled

"Hurry Riley!" I said and grabbed her hand. We ran to the field.

"Why the heck I'm i hurrying." she asked as I dragged her

I let her sit on the bench. I put my stuff by her and she just sat there looking at me. I leaned down and pecked her on the lips before going and doing my soccer stuff.

After our warm ups we got into our positions. I got into my position, I passed the ball to Ollie who made a mad dash towards the other goal. He passed it to another member, and so on and so on. They passed it back to me, I ran towards the goalie and kicked it in the goal.

We repeated the same process a few times. I walked over by coach dripping in sweat. I took off my shirt and put it by Riley who was on her phone.

"Your girlfriend can go out there if she wants." Coach said

"Thanks." I said

I went back to Riley who looked up at me. She smiled then put her phone down. I held my hand out and she took it and stood up. I lead her to the field.

"Boys this is my girl Riley, Riley the boys." I said

"Hey Riley." they said In sync

"Hey Boys." she said smiling and waving

She tugged my hand like a child. I lean down a little. she got on her tippy toes. She whispered in my ear.

"Are they the ones who helped you with the homecoming?" she asked pulling away.

"Yup." I said

"Oh thanks boys for the homecoming sign." she said

"You are welcome." they said In sync

"Do they always do that?" she asked

"We all do." I said chuckling, she just giggled.

"Oh okay Riley, You are on Ollie's team." I said pushing her to Ollie.

I got the ball in the middle. I looked up and was greeted by Riley. She smiled then stood there. I kicked it to the side of me, and she sprinted towards the guy. She stole the ball from him and passed it to Ollie. She ran up the field and Ollie passed it to Jason who passed it to Mikey, who passed it back to Riley, who scored.

"GGGGGGOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!!" Riley said running in circle. The rest of her team ran up and started chanting the same thing as her.

When practice was over Riley stayed on the field messing with the ball. I headed to the locker room and got in some new clothes.

"Bentley how did you catch that?" Jason asked

"I honestly don't know" I said slipping my new shorts on.

"Seriously she is way out of your league." Mikey said

"Mikey, I don't see you getting laid. So until then shut the fuck up!" I said

Slipping my shirt on, and walked outside. I slammed the door shut I saw Riley still kicking the ball. She passed the ball to me. I kicked it with all my force and it went into the goal.

"With my knowledge in understanding in any football game. I feel like I should be a lot better in football." she said in a British accent.

"Come on Harry Styles we are leaving." I said

We walked out of the stadium. All the boys were by there cars. We put the stuff in the trunk. She was leaning against the car. I grabbed on to her waist. She just shook her head and smiled up at me.

"Aye yo Tyler were are you going?" Ollie asked

"Home why?" I asked

"I was thinking we could all go to McDonalds." he said

I looked down at Riley. She nodded her head yes. I told them okay, and we got in the car. I felt Riley tap my shoulder.

"Yeah Baby?" I asked

"If I'm your Styles can you be my Tomlinson?" she asked

"I will be your Tomlinson."


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