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Riley POV:

"RILEY NELSON!" A voice yelled at me.

It sounds really familiar. I just ignored it and went to sleep again

"DREW RILEY NELSON!" There are only two people in the world that know my full name Noah and my dad.

I opened my eyes slowly. There stood Noah and he looked pissed. I closed my eyes and opened them again hoping he would disappear. His arms were folded and and he was glaring at me

I nudged Tyler, and he just pulled me closer. I tapped in his shoulder.

"What?" he snapped

"We have a visitor." I whispered in his ear

"What the fuck are..." he pulled the covers off of him and he stopped mid sentence when he saw Noah.

"Hey Noah." he said

"What are you doing in his bed Riley?!" he yelled

"We were just taking a peaceful nap." I said

"Really then why doesn't he have a shirt on?" he asked

"He has pants." I said

"I didn't ask if he had fucking pants on. I asked what are you doing in his fucking bed!" he yelled

"Noah we were just sleeping." I said holding back my tears

"How long?" he asked

"Almost a month." I said

"You been fucking each other for a month." he yelled

"No we been dating." I said "that's it." I said

"Jesus."he said pinching the bridge if his nose.

I couldn't hold my tears in anymore. I hid my face in Tyler's chest. I hate when people see me cry.

"Sissy." he said and I felt the bed dip more.

I just held onto Tyler. He wrapped his arms around me. I didn't want to him to let me go.

"Look I'm just surprised, I mean who would have thought. My best friend and my sister." he said

I pulled lifted my head and wiped my tears. I looked at him and he had a guilty expression.

"I'm sorry" I said crawling over to him and hugging him.

"It's fine, I'm just shocked. I happy that you are happy." he said hugging me "Tyler take care of her. I have a date with Elisa." he said

"My Snow Queen?" I asked wiping my eyes

"No, My Snow Queen." he said smiling

"Okay, be safe." I said hugging him

"I will." he said

"Tyler if you hurt her, I don't care if you are like a brother to me. I will hurt you, and you will never see her again." he said

"Yes sir Mr. Noah Nelson sir." Tyler said

I just giggled at him. He was such a idiot. Noah left and I felt like our relationship could take a step forward.

"We'll looky there, now I can post it." he said he got his camera out, he kissed my cheek and I smiled at the camera. I kissed his cheek and he took his picture. He kissed me on the lips, and he started taking picture.

He choose the one were I was kissing his cheek as he profile picture. He posted the one of is kissing with the caption.

'I found my princess 👑 @Obey.Riley. '

I decided to change my profile picture to him kissing my cheek. I posted the picture of him kissing my cheek my caption was.

'I found my prince ❤️ @The.Tyler.Bentley'

"Look are relationship is finally out there." he said

"Yeah it is my prince." I said pecking him on the lips.

"I love you princess." he said in between kisses

"I love you too, my prince." I said back.





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