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Riley POV:

He thrusted into me one last time. Before laying done beside me. I was all sweaty. Tyler was beside me and we both breathing heavily. His forehead was covered in sweat. He turned to look at me. I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Hello princess." he said

"Hello Prince." I said smiling

His eyes were sparkling. He was smiling really big. What we just did, felt good. If you get what I'm saying.

"How was it?" he asked

"It was amazing. what about you?" I asked

"Perfect in every way." He said

I just blushed and his my face, in his chest. He wrapped his arms around my naked waist. I just blushed even more.

"Was that my apology?" I asked him

"Yes, we should get mad at each other a lot more." he said smirking."So I thought I was your first." he said

"Ummmm, no." I said

"Who?" he asked

"Zac." I said

"Zac Nickels?" he asked

I just nodded my head.

"Why?" he asked

"I was at a party I was drunk, trying to get over Malcolm. But we both regret it, and we don't even talk about it. It's like it never happened." I said

"Are you sure?" he asked

"Yes sir." I said

He just raised in eyebrow. I heard my stomach rumble. I'm hungry, I leaned over the bed and grabbed my underwear and slipped them on, I put my bra on and grabbed his huge sweater. It went mid thigh, so I didn't have to worry about pants. I put my hair into a messy bun.

He got up and but his boxers on. I walked out of his room, and he smacked my butt. I just looked at him, and he smirked.

"Pig." I said

"I'm your pig." he said pecking me and squeezing my butt

I pushed his chest, and walked out the door. I walked to the kitchen, and made some Ramon noddles. I took a bowl out. when they were cooked, I out the season in mixed it and put it in the bowl.

I sat in front of the tv. I turned on it on. I are my noddles while watching 'the peoples couch'. When I was done, I put the bowl in the sink and got on my phone.

"Princess!" Tyler yelled

I was texting back Elisa, when he was talking to me.

"Hey how are you?" I said back

He walked into the room, and looked at me strangely. He just stood there and laughed.

"What are you talking about baby?" he asked

"I was texting Elisa that and that what I was texting was that so I kind of said what I texted." I said laughing.

"Oh, my poor baby." he said laughing laying on the couch.

I got on his chest, I was looking at him. He had a sharp jaw, I ran my finger along his jaw line. He looked back at me.

"Your can like cut something with your jaw. omg I never knew how sharped it looked." I said

"I would have cut your legs along time ago. I mean I'm always down there." he said smirking

"Tyler." I said blushing, moving my head so he wouldn't see my red cheeks.

"I love it when you blush." he said putting his finger underneath my chin, so he could look at my red cheeks.

"I love you." I said

"I love you too, princess." he said pecking my lips.

We just started talking. We talked about anything and everything.

I started to look at his eyebrows. They were bushy, and his eyebrow game was strong tho.

"Are your eyebrows even real?" I asked touching them.

He gave me a are you serious look. His blue eyes just looking at me.

"Riley, stop it." He said

"Tyler, seriously your eyebrows are on point." I said giggling

"You know what else is on point?" he asked

Just then my brother walked in. He must of heard what Tyler said, because he gave a disgusted face.

"That is so gross." Noah said

"Where were you?" I asked

"Elisa's" he said "I had to leave because I heard so much. I didn't want to even hear." he said shuddering in disgust.

"Whatever. Hey look at his eyebrows." I said pointing to Tyler.

"Riley." Tyler whined

"Tyler." I mimicked pouting

"I know they don't even look real." Noah said walking into the kitchen.

I started to rub my eyes. I laid my head in his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair.

"Come on baby let's go to sleep." he said and got up.

I just stayed close to his chest. heard me in his bed. He slipped in to. He wrapped his arms around me, and all I remember was falling fast asleep.


So yea, I fell like I'm not doing a good job. sometimes I feel like deleting this book, but I mean I already have 4K. So I would like it if you would comment on what you think of the book so far.

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