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Riley POV:

"Hey Riley." Tyler said blushing and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey." I said looking back down and going to the kitchen.

I can't believe I felt the sparks you only feel in movies and books. But I felt them in real life.

"What is for dinner?" I asked

"Pizza!" Noah yelled

"I feel like we live in a ninja turtles movie or something." I said

"It's because we are." Noah said doing a backflip.

"This is a kitchen Noah! Not a fucking backflip room" my dad said from his reading chair.

Noah and I looked at each other and laughed. Tyler walked in and sat in a chair. Which just happened to be right across were I sat.

At the head of the table were my dad and Noah. Then Tyler and I were across from each other.

I grabbed a slice of pizza and put ranch on the side. I sat at the table and Noah handed me a water.

"Okay Noah say the prayer." my dad said

"Thank you lord for giving us food. Also pray for the men and women that are serving our country. OORAH!" Noah said

"OORAH!" my dad and Tyler said

"oorah." I said not yelling

"Riley say it right." my dad said

"OORAH!" I yelled

As if you couldn't tell my dad was in the Marines. He still is but he doesn't get deported that much. He trains them hence why we are so close as a family. I mean even in our front lawn we have to flags waving on there own flagpole. The Marine and then the Texas flag.

"Dad when are we going to have something beside pizza?" I asked picking off the pepperoni

"When is your birthday?" he asked

"May 14?" I said but it came out as a question

"What is today?" he said a mouth full of food

"Dad close you mouth. August 10th." I said

"We'll we will have something different when you turn 18 next year." he said and the boys started laughing

"Dad that makes no sense at all." I said giving him the bish whet.

"So how was school?" Tyler asked

"O it was good, Im not sure I told you dad and Noah." I said my dad made his eyes go to Tyler saying mention his name. " and Tyler. I'm co-captain this year. I'm still a flyer. I'm also on varsity again." I said

"This calls for a celebration." my dad yelled

"Ice cream?" I asked

"What no, a blizzard!" he said

"Dad that is basically a ice cream." I said

"Ask Tyler he is in college." Noah said

"Tyler aren't Blizzards and Ice cream the same thing?" I asked him

"Yes." he said

"See dad same thing, can we go now?" I asked

"No eat that slice if pizza first." he said

I huffed and ate the slice of pizza. After my pizza I went to my room and grabbed my letterman. I got in to my dad's Range Rover.

"Should you put a shirt on?" Tyler asked

"O fudge." I said

I unbuckled and went to the back and grabbed one of my cheer shirts. I slipped it on and got back into my seat and buckled up.

"Thanks, my dad would have killed me." I said

"I know." he said

After we got our blizzards we headed back home. I went up to my room and turned in disney channel. Girl meets world was on, this was my show.

After 2 episodes someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said

"Hey Ri." Tyler said

"Hey Ty." I said

"How do you tell a girl that you like them?" he asked

"Just tell them or call them." I said

"Okay." He said walking out the door .

"Alrighty then." I whispered

My phone started to buzz it was an unknown number. I tapped the green circle and held my iPhone up to my ear.


"Hi Riley it's me Tyler."





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