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Riley POV:

I walked out of practice, sweating it was gross. I grabbed my back pack and my duffel bag and walked outside.

I was looking for Noah's car with Tyler inside. I saw his car and began to walk towards him. He got out of the car, in just his soccer shorts and a SnapBack.

'Zayummm bæ.' I said biting my lip

"Hey Riley, can I get a ride home?"

I toward around and saw Zac. I just looked at him.

"You always ask that." I said hitting his chest. "next just say, I'm catching a ride with you." I said

"Okay, how was practice?" he asked

"They almost dropped me." I said

"Are you okay?" he asked


"I thought Noah was driving?" he said

"Noah is sick so Tyler drove me to school." I said throwing my bags in the back were Zac was.

"Hey Riley, Zac." Tyler said smiled at me then glared at Zac.

I looked at Tyler and he winked at me. I turned my head and blushed. gosh he makes me blush a lot more then I should.

"So were are we dropping you off?" Tyler asked Zac

"My house, Riley can give you the directions." he said

Tyler looked at me and made a face.

"Drive like you are going to McDonalds. The take a right at the stop sign. Then another right, then a left a BOOM!" I yelled clapping my hands "we are there." I said

Zac house was about 15 minutes away from the school and only 5 minutes away from mine. We were quiet in the car. No one made any type of noise.

"So Ri, when is the football game?" Tyler asked

"Umm, I'm not sure. Zac when is it?" I asked turning towards Zac.

"It's next Friday, you are wearing my jersey right?" he asked

"Of course what kind of question is that?" I asked giggling

We made it to Zac's I got out of the car and walked him to his front door. We just stood there looking at each other.

"If you want to come over those weekend you can. Just knock on the door." I said smiling

"Will do, bye Ri." he said pulling my small body into a hug

We pulled away and I walked to the car. I opened the car and slid into seat.

"What were you talking about?" Tyler asked grabbing my hand

"How I told him to come over this weekend.

"You know Noah and your dad hate him?" he said

"Why?" I asked "I like Zac." I said

Tyler looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"As a friend. I have someone else that I'm more interested in." I said kissing his cheek.

"Good." he said smiling at me

I got out of the car and grabbed my bags. I walked up to the door and let myself in. why? because I live here.

I walked to my room with Tyler following me. I turned around and he started to whistle and look around.

I laughed and walked to my room and dropped my stuff by the door. I grabbed some Hollister short shorts, I went I to my closet and got a cute crop top that had 'Cool kids don't dance' in black letters. I pulled out a pair of white vans and put the sock beside them.

"Were are you going?" he asked laying on my bed.

"Party." I said

I just stood there looking at the outfit. I felt arms wrap around me. Tyler laid his head on my shoulder.

"Don't leave." he said swaying us back and forth

"Ty, I have to." I said

"No you don't, us if you went I wouldn't let you wear that." he said "I'm taking you out." he said

"Since when?" I asked

"Now." he said "you can wear that but I'm bring my jacket." he said

"When do we leave?" I asked

"In an hour." he said pecking my cheek and walking out of my room.

We'll I guess I have to work my magic.





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