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Riley POV:

I loved dancing to that song. But the worst part was that I had to give a boy that was assigned to me a lap dance.

We started to twerk and do all that jazz. Then we got on the a chair and put our leg up and did that thing Nicki did. Then we got on the floor and did those sexy dances.

Then the part I hate came up. I was up front so everyone could see me. I started to grind on the boy, and I bit my lip for effect. He grabbed on to my hips and we grinded to the music. I did this thing were I put my hands behind my head and brought all my hair up a little, and tried to act sexy.

I looked up and saw Tyler. His arms were crossed. His face looked pissed. I don't blame him, I mean he is basically watching his girlfriend dry hump someone.

We ended the song and the boy slapped my butt. I just rolled my eyes. While Tyler had another plan. Tyler walked up to him, and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Can you not touch my girlfriend like that!" He yelled in his face

"You are Tyler Bentley, you are a player. Plus she is way out of your league." he said and walked away

Tyler walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder. I knew exactly what he is going to do.

"Tyler!" i yelled running to him

The guy turned around and Tyler punched him in his jaw. The guy punched him in the gut. Tyler went back and he tackled the boy to the ground and started to punch the crap out of him.

Everyone was just standing there in a circle. Know one was even doing anything, they were all cheering for Tyler. I ran through the crowed.


He stopped and turned to look at me. He had this look in his eyes that made him look crazy. To be honest it scared me. He got off the guy and walked towards me.

I just sprinted to find my brother. I looked back and he was following me. He was yelling my name, but I didn't want to stop.

I ran outside, I looked around and there was my brother getting drunk. Hopefully my dad will be asleep. So freakin Noah won't get in trouble.

Now that Noah was drunk off his butt. I had to find someone else Zac. That was my new mission go find Zac. I turned around and ran. I ran and bumped into someone. Tyler.

"Why are you running?" he asked

"Is there something I should know?" I asked him looking at him in his bright blue eyes.

"I have anger problems, I get mad easily, I take medicine and go to counseling but it kind if works. But when I'm with you t goes away. But i still feel anger, hence way I play soccer" he said

We'll this was good to know. I mean I have know him all my life. I never knew he got angry so fast.

I knew he was still kind if angry. He was still breathing heavy. His eyes still a dark blue.

"Hey, close you eyes, and take deep breaths ." I said putting my arms around his waist.

He out his arms around my shoulder. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. I rubbed his back and his breathing became

"Okay, are you fine now?" I asked

"Yeah." he said

"Good." I said and I pecked his lips.

I got my phone and checked the time. It was 3 am, I looked at Tyler and he was looking at me.

"We should get the boys" I said

He grabbed my hand and I walked to were Noah was. He was laughing with Elisa. They would be a cute couple.

"Are you coming home ?" I asked Noah

"I'm staying with Elisa." he said putting his arms around her

She blushed and smiled at me. I winked at her and she rolled her eyes. we spent 30 minutes trying to find Zac. I guess he got laid tonight.

We headed to Noah's car, and I got in the passengers seat. I took my phone out and took a quick selfie with Tyler.

I posted it on Instagram with the caption.

'Part bound with Tyler Bentley 😉👊'

We made it home, and we made it to my room. He laid on my bed, and I took my clothes off leaving me in my undergarments. He looked at me and licked his lips.

I got on the bed and took his pants off. Yup I fulfilled his needs that night.





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